Should we frequently engage faithless people who are hostile to The Church and Jesus Christ as often as is reasonably possible? I suppose I have *online internet social media in mind *when I mention this, i.e. Facebook, forums, comments sections in blogs, and so forth.
When I say “as often as is reasonably possible,” I don’t mean going out to aggressively Bible thump unsuspecting people. I am asking if we should give strong unrelenting retorts to critics of Christianity.
For example, if we are reading an online column, and we see a lot of bigoted and offensive language and accusations in the comments section, ought we dive in, pick a target, and engage that critic? (If you would like, please explain what you think a “victory” would look like.)
When I say “as often as is reasonably possible,” I don’t mean going out to aggressively Bible thump unsuspecting people. I am asking if we should give strong unrelenting retorts to critics of Christianity.
For example, if we are reading an online column, and we see a lot of bigoted and offensive language and accusations in the comments section, ought we dive in, pick a target, and engage that critic? (If you would like, please explain what you think a “victory” would look like.)