I’m coming today with a very unusual topic. My husband and pastor do not get along. At all. They’re very close in age, so one would think there would be some common interests there, but ever since my husband became head of an organization and had to work with our pastor in terms of planning events, etc., things became tense. If my husband had an idea, it was immediately shot down or changed at the last minute after plans had been made, with little to no communication on the part of the pastor or the group members to my husband. We live in a rural area, so the parish is small, but even then my husband could never get the pastor to meet with him to discuss his concerns. Mind you, my husband has a very aggressive personality and sometimes says and does things impulsively. This has caused him problems at work as well as within our marriage. He had reiterated back to me some of his responses to our pastor and I tried giving him some advice on how to maybe deliver the same message but with a different approach and he wouldn’t listen. He would get offended actually, and stop communicating with me. The problem I have is that this pastor and I have always been friendly, and I respect him as a holy priest. He has always been there for me when I needed spiritual direction, etc. I used to work for him in the rectory at another church when he was newly ordained. He was then transferred to our current parish, so I do have that history with him and don’t ever remember him being “difficult”. My husband has since stepped down from his position within the organization and I feel bad for him. Things had become so bad that our pastor wouldn’t even look him in the eye anymore. It was awkward, because my pastor would talk to me after mass and carry our baby, but when my husband came around he would change or walk away. It bothers me that my husband was treated this way, but if I’m honest with myself I have an idea why. I know my husband isn’t easy to get along with. We have actually been living apart for a few months because things were getting out of hand. Since COVID-19, we’ve reconciled. My husband does have narcissistic tendencies, but since he will not go for therapy, I will never know for sure. My question is since we have decided to reconcile and leave the past in the past, should we find another parish during this pandemic? I’m not one to be easily offended and run away, but when we go back to our parish, will we be welcomed back because of what happened between my husband and the pastor? My loyalty must lie with my husband, even though I know how he can be. What is expected of me as his wife?
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