Should we tax Hydropower?

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Research shows hydropower can pollute more than coal plants.
Should we add a carbon tax to water energy?
How Does Hydropower Cause Methane Emissions?
The principal environmental menace of hydroelectric dams is caused by organic material—vegetation, sediment and soil—that flows from rivers into reservoirs and decomposes, emitting methane and carbon dioxide into the water and the air throughout the generation cycle. Studies indicate that in tropical environments and high-sediment areas, where organic material is highest, dams can release more greenhouse gas than coal-fired power plants. Philip Fearnside, a research professor at the National Institute for Research in the Amazon, in Manaus, Brazil, and one of the most cited scientists on the subject of climate change, has called these dams “methane factories.” And, according to Brazil’s National Institute of Space Research, dams are “the largest single anthropogenic source of methane, being responsible for 23 percent of all methane emissions due to human activities.”
Even that number 23 may be low; the emissions can be huge even in temperate climates. A 2014 article in Climate Central offered a disturbing comparison: “Imagine nearly 6,000 dairy cows doing what cows do, belching and being flatulent for a full year. That’s how much methane was emitted from one Ohio reservoir in 2012. [Yet] reservoirs and hydropower are often thought of as climate-friendly because they don’t burn fossil fuels to produce electricity.” Another 2014 article in the same publication pointed out that, because very few dams and reservoirs are being studied, their methane emissions are mostly unaccounted for in climate-change analyses across the planet.
Glad my son didn’t read this before trying to convince his World Clutures teacher that this is a good use of renewable energy.
Anything we as human beings do beyond hunting/gathering, reproducing and dying is going to have some impact on nature. Impacting nature began the day the first hominid lit a fire.

“Green” energy will never gain traction if it is penalized or roadblocked at every turn.

I wonder if this line of reason is more about taxing energy providers with money than impacting the environment constructively. If Hydro-power is taxed like carbon power, it raises the average base cost/price which benefits solar and wind generation.

Since the stated purpose of most carbon taxes is to discourage usage, I don’t see the value with hydro. Hydro is a fixed capacity that we should maximize usage once a dam is build. Furthermore, we are already tearing dams down due to other environmental reasons.

Also, I question the data presented as presented.
So, do waterfalls cause methane? Or is it lakes that cause methane?
So, do waterfalls cause methane? Or is it lakes that cause methane?
It’s the organic material. I would hazard a guess that all else being equal, there is more rapid decomp after the waterfall than before, due to the increased oxygen mixed in.
It’s the organic material. I would hazard a guess that all else being equal, there is more rapid decomp after the waterfall than before, due to the increased oxygen mixed in.
Well, I can’t see banning natural waterfalls. In fact, it might be best to make use of them for generating power, since they are already there. My greatest fear would be if the EPA decides to regulate them!
Well, I can’t see banning natural waterfalls. In fact, it might be best to make use of them for generating power, since they are already there. My greatest fear would be if the EPA decides to regulate them!
I think the research is blaming the methane release on the dam’s reservoir, which should be little different than any natural lake. It’s just that the hydro dam provides someone to tax, which other lakes and bodies of water do not.
The carbon Tax is a big lie - its a corrupt system that has not taken one molecule of co2 from the atmosphere - its corporate welfare and a slush fund for the Government - I would rather be taxed right on the product then let Government get their hands on the money lets face it this tax will fall fully on the tax payer not big business - it will be passed on to us they won’t pay a dime.

This is like the pink ribbon - people just buy into it without researching - but that’s another issue.
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