Should you talk about your sins here?

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I agree completely. One’s sins are no one else’s business. Considering this is a public forum it is at the least unwise to air one’s sins here and at the worst an invitation to others to divulge things better left to confession.
Sometimes those that have struggled with a particular sin and have conquired it, might be able to provide insight and moral support on how to overcome that particular short-coming. Additionally, it does not violate any church doctrine for the SINNER to reveal the sin to others.
Sir Knight:
Sometimes those that have struggled with a particular sin and have conquired it, might be able to provide insight and moral support on how to overcome a particular short-coming. Additionally, it does not violate any church doctrine for the SINNER to reveal the sin to others.
It is unwise to talk about ones sins, it could cause temptation for ones self or others. And the tempter will use the knowledge which was blotted out in confession. We should never think we have conquered sin. We should just pray that the Lord will preserve us from sin.

Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph

I agree. Besides if one hangs around here often enough, one will see more sin than one really cares to. Of course for entirely different reasons, listing one’s accomplishments or “gifts” is also an appalling idea.
John Russell Jr:
… We should never think we have conquered sin…
While it is true that there is no assurance that a particular sin has been conquired, if I avoided a particular sin for YEARS which I use to do multiple times a day, I would have to say that there is a very good chance that that particular sin has been conquired. Again, it isn’t 100% certain, because nothing is 100% certain in life. Even the most pious individual can harden his heart against God just prior to death and be lost. Consequentially, the most harden since may turn to God in his last breath with sincere repentance seeking forgiveness.

Anyway, but I drift from the original topic. I have seen members here seeking advice on how to overcome a particular sin and many members have responded with very good suggestions on how to overcome that sin.

I see that as a good and positive thing.
John Russell Jr:
I don’t think it’s wise to. This should be kept for your confessor/ spiritual director. What does everyone else think?

Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Dear friend

To speak on here about a specific sin in detail would not be prudent. To discuss the conquering of sins in a general manner without any specifics mentioned is good, it is a way to share ways in which others may have dealt with coping with sins that recur in a person’s life, the sharing of strategies and advice received is good, without mentioning the sin or the nature of it. We all have weaknesses and are prone to certain sins while others are prone to different certain sins. We ask God to keep us free from sin (in Mass, keep us free from sin in our day), it is possible to conquer sin, as original sin is taken from us in Baptism, we are free of it from that moment on, therefore in Jesus Christ it is possible to do anything, it is possible to conquer sin and never return to it, another poster said that a soul may backslide, this is also true, it is the graces of God that retain us in Him and our free will , if we keep our free will obedient to God then in His abundent graces, we are and can conquer sin, though we may fall, we have reconciliation and the forgiveness, peace and graces at this Sacrament strengthen us to conquer these sins. ( As well as all the other sacraments where we meet with God and receive His graces)

It would be most wreckless and not prudent to expose details about yourself that are most personal, especially in respect of sins, this is for the confessional between you and the Priest and God ( and if it involves a third party i.e. if a person has hurt someone they may wish to make amends with them also after making amends and being at peace with God by confession). I would say, do not discuss your sins in a medium like this, only discuss them with your Priest. I would say, do not sing your own praises, you have nothing without the grace of God, to list your gifts and talents and tell all what you are capable of , is nothing short of pride. Let others sing your praises for you, this is the proper way it should be done and if they do sing your praises, they are always too kind to you, as you are a sinner and nothing without God and the graces He bestows to you.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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