Unless I missed something, they didn’t need Jesus’ blood type. They arrived at their conclusion based on the direction of blood flow.
They don’t give all the details of the study but some of what they said got me scratching my head.
The scientists applied blood — both human and synthetic — onto a live volunteer to see how blood would run in rivulets down his skin as he lay with his arms and body in various positions.
Why would they use a live volunteer? Wasn’t Jesus dead at the time? Are they 100% certain that they were able to totally move the live volunteer and he was able to act and move freely like a corpse would?
As such, to mimic a spear wound, the researchers stuck a sponge on a wooden plank, soaked the sponge with synthetic blood and jabbed this fake spear into the side of a mannequin to see how the blood ran down the body.
Seriously? I’m no forensic scientist but what about the gravitational pressure within the body pushing the fluids from Jesus chest cavity? How can that be mimicked by a freely flowing sponge?
For instance, two short rivulets of the blood on the back of the left hand of the shroud are only consistent with a person standing with their arms held at a 45-degree angle.
So how do they know those two short rivulets actually came from the hand? It’s not like Jesus only had wounds in his hands and feet. Another possibility is… I am pretty sure they didn’t use stretchers back then. Most likely after they wrapped Jesus in the shroud someone lifted his upper body at say a 45 degree angle someone grabbed his feet and they placed his body on a cart to wheel it to the tomb.
However, the stains on the lower back — which supposedly came from the spear wound while the body was positioned on its back — were completely unrealistic, they said.
And they know this how? So are they claiming Jesus wasn’t scourged? Or was the scourging just to the upper back?
Like I said I am no forensic scientist, but I do watch a lot of NCIS so that kinda makes me an authority.
Anyway, the point I am getting at is if NCIS is correct the one thing I always hear on the show is Ducky complains when someone touches the body. Not touching or moving the body is necessary for good forensic science.
Well these guys seem like they are apply “unrealistic modern forensic techniques” to an unrealistic situation and saying see the results are unrealistic.
Well what do you expect. The body was moved several times and in varying positions. The body was most likely transported in a cart without suspension over rocky soil. Before being placed on a rock slab in a tomb. Add to this they are testing a piece of cloth that was touched by thousands of hands, kept in unfavorable conditions for 2000 years.
Sounds to me like these guys are just trying to publish a paper and make a quick buck or get their 10 minutes of fame.
God Bless