Signs I have picked up and what my heart desires

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God has recently been giving me signs for the priesthood, especially this morning after mass a man talked to me about being a priest, and other signs that I picked up right away as well, but my heart desires to be married and have kids, but I don’t want to say no to God, but when I have been thinking of being a priest, I have been miserable about it, then I think how that is my pride and selfishness, is our calling what our heart desires or what signs we pick up that tell us regardless of how we feel about them?.:confused::(😊🤷

btw, im 17 years old and i’m a rising senior in high school
The call to vocation is a difficult thing for many to figure out.
Part of the seminary is a process where you are supposed to be discerning if the priesthood is where God really wants you to be.

My advise, go talk to a good holy Pastor about being a priest.
Find and talk with a good holy Deacon about the diaconate
Find an hour of adoration at least once a week
If possible add another mass to your weekly schedule
Relax, and be ready to take up what ever cross our Lord gives you.

Praying for your vocation :gopray2:
Talk to the priests in your area, talk to your diocese’ vocation director. You can work on developing a deeper devotion to Christ and the Church which will serve you well whichever vocation you eventually choose.
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