As you know, the coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the world, killing hundreds of thousands and sickening many more. It has caused many to lose their jobs and caused major problems for many. Its effects should not be minimized.
With that said, just curious if others have discovered something positive about themselves or others from the experience of staying at home more, either staying at home by mandate or by choice - even something minor. For example, did you discover a new talent or ability, grow deeper in faith, develop a closer relationship with someone, find new ways to stay productive, etc?
For me, I’ve discovered that my wife can cut my hair as well, if not better, than my barber, and she’s volunteered to continue to do it, which will save us $$$ in the future.
I’ve also discovered a few new brands of goods that I like just as much as the one I previously thought I couldn’t do without - like toilet paper, when my favorite brand wasn’t available.
Another blessing in disguise has been that my wife and daughter in law, who lives a few hours away, have become closer in their relationship due to my wife learning FaceTime.
Just curious if others have experienced something positive despite being homebound for the most part since the pandemic started.
With that said, just curious if others have discovered something positive about themselves or others from the experience of staying at home more, either staying at home by mandate or by choice - even something minor. For example, did you discover a new talent or ability, grow deeper in faith, develop a closer relationship with someone, find new ways to stay productive, etc?
For me, I’ve discovered that my wife can cut my hair as well, if not better, than my barber, and she’s volunteered to continue to do it, which will save us $$$ in the future.
I’ve also discovered a few new brands of goods that I like just as much as the one I previously thought I couldn’t do without - like toilet paper, when my favorite brand wasn’t available.
Another blessing in disguise has been that my wife and daughter in law, who lives a few hours away, have become closer in their relationship due to my wife learning FaceTime.
Just curious if others have experienced something positive despite being homebound for the most part since the pandemic started.
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