Silver linings from stay-at-home order?

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As you know, the coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the world, killing hundreds of thousands and sickening many more. It has caused many to lose their jobs and caused major problems for many. Its effects should not be minimized.

With that said, just curious if others have discovered something positive about themselves or others from the experience of staying at home more, either staying at home by mandate or by choice - even something minor. For example, did you discover a new talent or ability, grow deeper in faith, develop a closer relationship with someone, find new ways to stay productive, etc?

For me, I’ve discovered that my wife can cut my hair as well, if not better, than my barber, and she’s volunteered to continue to do it, which will save us $$$ in the future.

I’ve also discovered a few new brands of goods that I like just as much as the one I previously thought I couldn’t do without - like toilet paper, when my favorite brand wasn’t available.

Another blessing in disguise has been that my wife and daughter in law, who lives a few hours away, have become closer in their relationship due to my wife learning FaceTime.

Just curious if others have experienced something positive despite being homebound for the most part since the pandemic started.
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I did. Unfortunately, and I know this sounds like a big cop-out, it’s very personal stuff and I’m not comfortable discussing.

I will say however that if people weren’t getting sick, dying, losing loved ones, losing their jobs etc this would have been a godsend for me as the stay-at-home helped me greatly with several big problems I was having. I have felt slightly guilty that it helped me when others, including a number of my friends, are having a very bad time. Although it hasn’t all been perfect for me either. I have missed going to Mass and Communion very much.
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Yes, I imagine Catholics may appreciate the Eucharist and Confession even more than before after not being able to do it for a while. Otherwise, it sounds like it is business as usual for you, (name removed by moderator).
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I’ve learned I have more patience with my father-in-law than my wife has!
Great thread topic, i was actually discussing this at work today and pondering starting a thread on this very topic. We came across a positive from this unfortunate situation, and that was to be able to automate a report that is due out each month. Not only will it help my work site but also another one as well.
These kind of situations sometimes spur innovations of all types. I hope and pray that includes a Covid-19 vaccine in the near future.

I forgot to mention that my wife also learned how to go from teaching a traditional class at our local community college to an online one. It’s not as easy as it may sound.

She’ll be teaching online classes in the fall, too, which is good because she has underlying health issues that make it safer for her to do so.
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We may have been fortunate to find a home for our son who is moving close to us. Real estate has been slow and we found a nice place near us. We placed an offer based on video of the inside and our outside view. It was accepted with a contingency allowing us to inspect inside before we are committed. Tomorrow night we get to look inside now that the restrictions are being lifted on real estate. Regular inspections will follow hopefully next week. We’re excited!!!
Sounds like very good timing. Wishing you all the best. I hope the arrangement works out well for your family.
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I decided to make masks as my daughter needs a fresh one for each shift she works…otherwise she’d have to wash it daily. I pulled out my 45 yo Singer and it was running terribly…out of alignment and horrible tension so I called the sewing store with the awesome people I desperately want to stay in business. They met me curbside, got it back in two days and it runs like a dream!

So, I started making masks and realized I still really love to sew! Soon as I can get a bit more material, I’m making aprons and a skirt! Plus, more masks! This never would have happened without my need to make some masks! :hugs:
Yes, I’m going to get a little personal here, but my kiddo has been going through a rough time ever since getting involved with a toxic and controlling friend .
No school means this kid has way less access to my kiddo and their mental health is much better.

Also the other stuff like slowe pace of life and more family time and having a garden and home cooked meals and walks etc.
I’ve actually lost weight and feel better, physically. Since the stay-at-home order coincidered with my mom suffering a small stroke (she’s better now, but still 93 years old), I’ve been spending my days at her house, and not going to the grocery store. I’ve been having groceries delivered, so there’s none of the impulse buying of junk food that I used to do when I went shopping myself. Consequently, I’m eating better, and more mindfully, without the extra needless snacking I used to do.
These may seem like “fluff” but collectively they add up. I’ve discovered (re-discovered) the impact of a smile or a kind word to someone who is stressed. I’ve learned to slow down. I’ve learned that shutting off the news, and sitting on the porch with my wife in the evening with a lemonade or glass of wine is infinitely more valuable than anything else I could do with that time. I’ve learned the joy of a random phone call or text to someone I haven’t seen in a long time. I’ve learned that what initially seems like an angst inducing crisis will usually resolve on it’s own if I just be patient and wait. I’ve learned how extraordinary my employees are.
Yeah, I get to work in my garden more, and do more birding. We really aren’t that restricted around here, but we tend to be homebodies, anyway, so it hasn’t been that different.
As I am permanently in lockdown as I have no working immune system al is much as normal for me; but there is more practical help and awareness for eg lonely old folk ( I am old but not lonely) which is good and needed. Much easier to get eg a prescription delivered. it has increased thought for others and that is reflected too in my email correspondence as I can share and advise folk who are struggling.
As I am permanently in lockdown as I have no working immune system al is much as normal for me; but there is more practical help and awareness for eg lonely old folk ( I am old but not lonely) which is good and needed. Much easier to get eg a prescription delivered. it has increased thought for others and that is reflected too in my email correspondence as I can share and advise folk who are struggling.
👍 👍
Many people benefit from new services available…housebound of all kinds…new mothers, elderly, disabled, sick (short-term and long-term).

I haven’t been sick with common colds/illnesses in months now. Social distancing works for me.
Another blessing for me, although perhaps a minor one, has been that I’ve spent more time walking my dogs, which they seem to like a lot and which has helped me to get more exercise and get fresh air.
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By now I am very comfortable NOT going into stores for merchandise and food. Everything is delivered. I tried in-store shopping. An elderly man laughed at me for using my personal hand sanitizer after using the cashier’s pen at the checkout. The number of people using PPE in stores is mixed. I’d hate to witness something like the scuffle this poor store manager got into.
Silver lining? Learned/aquired safer shopping methods.
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I like being confined to my home…
I go on walks every day with Chloe,
I cook often which is my passion,
I weed my garden and transfer plants to other locations,
I sit on my patio and thoroughly enjoy it,
I feed the birds,
I shop online and like to receive my packages,
I read more and like it,
I created a grocery list and a menu listing,
My husband has steamed cleaned all the carpets in our house!
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