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Hey. With the news that CAF is shutting down, I am really going to miss the Non-Catholic forum. As a non-Catholic, I’ve enjoyed having intelligent discussions and debates with Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Baptists, Jews and so many other faiths. I’ve not found another place as great as this one. Anyone have any suggestions?
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I signed up too.

There isn’t a sub-forum for non-Catholics. That said, non-Catholics are welcome there.
Home | Catholic Common Sense (

A bunch of us have emigrated over there.
Well, I just spent about 10 minutes trying to pick the pictures with the bridges and crosswalks, and apparently, Peeps is too stupid to get the right answers.

So already, I don’t like that forum.

Actually, this happens to me every time I try to do something online that requires one of those “pick the square” tests. I flunk. I hate that. It makes my marshmallows sticky. And today, considering what a total bust Thanksgiving was, with both parents-in-law laid up with COVID, my husband sick with COVID symptoms, and me with a fever–I’m not really in the mood to be not trusted on a Catholic forum. Just one more 2020 icky thing–but at least no one will die from it.

If anyone has any influence over there, would you please tell them that Peeps is always an utter failure at this kind of “test” and to please just trust that she is not some kind of online guru who will infiltrate their forum and destroy civilization as we know it.

Or come up with a square that has one obvious answer for people like Peeps who are really really AWFUL at puzzles!!!

Thanks. And Happy Thanksgiving.

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Sorry Thanksgiving has been such a bust for you. And I also hate those puzzles.
I have no suggestion but I too would love a non-Catholic forum. I also enjoy the interreligious conversations and debates.
Then maybe you can help this terribly not tech person. What on earth is the difference between the ‘your name’ on the first part of the signup, and the ‘forum user name”? Can they be the same thing? I found that very confusing.
I have a running list of forums here
Working list of alternative Catholic forums and similar media Evangelization
I would like to begin keeping a list of alternative Catholic forums to replace this one due to the impending shutdown of CAF on December 31, 2020. There are no forums that are near substitutes for CAF in terms of the size or volume of posts. This is actually a good thing IMHO. Thus, what follows is a list of smaller forums for your consideration. Take some time to consider supporting one or more of them. Please ensure that additions to this list are in communion with the Holy See. There are m…
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