There are many people who try to live simpler lives - no car, growing food, tiny houses…Are there lay Catholic groups/communities living this life?
To each his own, but it wouldn’t be my cup of tea. That said, our family lives simply, because we have to, for financial reasons.What do you think? plaincatholic.webs.com/ youtube.com/watch?v=gFIm1IS-xlk
Haha, this made me chuckle. I’m genuinely curious how you feel this simplifies life. I mean… I agree with you that it does, but I’m curious what you had in mind. I don’t think that “simplicity” is the first word that comes to people’s minds when they see me and all my kids trying to run into the grocery store “real quick” to grab something we need.Another way to a simpler life is if your vocation is marriage…be open to life…follow the teachings of the Church regarding Natural Family planning and humanae vitae.