Sin of lust - confession

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Hi, i would like to have a quick question…

December 6, 2019 (Friday)

I went to confession last Saturday because I comitted a Mortal Sin which is (Masturbation and Pornographic Movie) and I went to confession again last Wednesday with the Same Mortal Sin again… But today, I was tempted and did the act of having Sexual Intercourse with my Girlfriend just once…

Did I commit Sacrilege Confession.?
I think I offended God so much for everything…


My faith is so weak… I can no longer control myself when it comes to Lust…
I tried to Pray the Rosary, Novena, and everything but still I am a loozer 😦

Can some one please help me with my Situation… I AM STRUGGLE in my life and for my faith too… 😦
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No. 1: Don’t stop going to confession! This is so important. When you go to confession you promise to do your best not to sin again. You can’t promise never to sin again because you’re human.
No. 2: If you forgot to mention a sin at your last confession, just bring it up on your next confession. Only if you deliberately hold back a sin in confession is it invalid. Just tell Father in confession the things you mentioned here, he’ll guide you.
No. 3: These things you’re struggling with are always harder when we are young and full of hormones. That’s not an excuse in itself, though and you need to take stock of your life. It’s good that you pray your rosary, a good relationship to your Mother in heaven is the way. But you also need to look to your life. How will you be able to keep from sinning with your girlfriend? That sin is graver because not only does it remove you from your state of grace, but it does the same for your girlfriend. You need to figure out if the two of you together is what’s gonna get you both closer to heaven or further from it.
No. 4: The only thing that’s ever worked for me though, has been the Mass. Going to Mass and communion daily has changed my life. I cannot recommend the traditional Latin Mass enough, it’s truly filled with graces.
No. 5: Don’t give up. There are hard times and there are easier times, but only when we give ourselves over to our lesser selves does the devil win. God wants you back! ❤️
There is a universal call to holiness in the Bible. We should all be mindful of this.

Depending on your schedule ai would recommend that you list to sacred music on youtube videos. Listen to them over and over until ypu can’t get them our of your head. Put your thought on “things above.”
I was in the same shoes as you with seeing dirty videos and such.

Best advice, go to confession and grow in your faith. Everytime you go to confession and confess your heart and submit to Jesus, the Lord forgives and forgets as if it never happend.

So saying that your sinning over and over and over isnt necessarily the right way of saying it, like saying, “Lord I fell into lust again” in confession is not the right way to say it. Remember the Lord forgives and forgets as if it never happend.

Get involved with the church and keep yourself busy in good things, get your mind off things and pray the rosary. And keep going to confession, thats the beauty of the Church. Take the Eucharist and submit to our Lord’s presence.

Hope i helped, harder than it looks, but this is coming as testimony of me, we fall but the idea is to keep getting back up and follow Jesus. Its. a battle until our last day.
Did I commit Sacrilege Confession.?
I went to confession last Saturday
so confessed the sin which you committed before you went to confession on Saturday.
I went to confession again last Wednesday
So between your confession on Saturday and your confession on the following Wednesday, you committed another (different occasion) mortal sin.
But today,
So … since after your confession Wednesday, you committed another mortal sin.

While you have a firm resolution to not commit those sins again at the time of your confession, committing more after, or between going to confession does not make the previous confession sacrilegious.

We all go to confession with a firm resolution to sin no more - and do our best not to. But when we do sin, after having been to confession, it doesn’t change the confession that is in the past, it isn’t retroactive. But having sinned again, we again go to confession with sorrow and a firm resolution to sin no more.

Each time we confess the same sins, we are given grace to resist those same sins and this grace helps to strengthen our wills.
I suggest that you should find a spiritual director for guidance in overcoming these sins. It would be better to stick to one priest rather than confessing it to multiple priest.

Also don’t stop praying the rosary because it can be a big help in overcoming the sin of the flesh

Will be praying for you
Can I ask you about the Rosay? How often did you pray the Rosary and when did you stop?

Did you have any problems while praying the rosary? (For e.g.: Dirty images coming to your mind while praying, other distractions, dozing off during the rosary)

Or did you simply feel like it wasn’t helping and so you stopped praying the rosary?
Can I ask you about the Rosay? How often did you pray the Rosary and when did you stop?

My Answer: Since i memorize the 15 decades of rosary, sometimes every friday, if i need something, but now (almost everyday before sleeping (Per Mystery of the Day) ) Now, if i commit mortal sin again and go to confession, I pray the whole mysteries (Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious only) and the penance of the priest given to me.

I stop praying the rosary if i didn’t confess my mortal sin. In my mind, I always think that I am a sinner i maybe offend our blessed mother because i have plenty of stain in my soul that day. but now i changed that habit.
Did you have any problems while praying the rosary? (For e.g.: Dirty images coming to your mind while praying, other distractions, dozing off during the rosary)
My Answer: That’s a Goof Question!

Mama Mary know’s how plenty of Dirty Images EVEN THE BAPHOMET ENTER in my mind.
Each time we confess the same sins, we are given grace to resist those same sins and this grace helps to strengthen our wills.
that what you said is the same as what my choir master told me before. 😃
Thank you so much for your spiritual advice and i learned a lot from that. Thank you very much!
The hardest thing that i cannot do is (When the Temptation came in, my conscience asking me to pray to our blessed mother, but most often the temptation wins and my faith became weak sometimes i am questioning myself (IS THERE A REAL GOD?) - whisper of the Devil.

but don’t you worry, i already confess this one 😃

I am already in the state of grace again and i already SOLD my phone (which the REAL SOURCE OF EVIL like watching Porno, addicted to something else and etc…)
There are many wonderful suggestions in this thread. Frequent confession, Mass attendance, Communion and prayer. 👍

I also suggest finding a very short simple prayer that can be said in times of temptation. For example, “Jesus, Mary & Joseph I love you. Please, help.”

I decided to stop listening to certain songs when I was struggling with habitual sin. It helped me tremendously. If a song puts you on the path to temptation or even points in its direction, cut it off.

It was hard at first. I think I would give up the internet before I would give up music. I quit listening to Bruno Mars entirely for a few years. I needed to get myself straight. The music was a hindrance & a distraction. I love his music & now I can listen with no problem 🙂
I understand what you’re going through. The times when we really need to pray the rosary are the times we’re going to find it really difficult to.
Think of it this way: if you’re reallly distracted with all those images, imagine how hard the devil is trying to get you to not pray the Rosary. (This is true for every Holy thing we try and pursue. If it’s something good for us spiritually, the devil tries super hard to get us not to do it by either distracting us or making us feel like it is useless). So take it as an indicator to pray the rosary more persistently. There are many graces and blessings associated with it and throughout church history, it has been known as a spiritual weapon.

My suggestion to concentrate better: Ask your guardian angel to put holy images in your mind. Sit infront of an altar/ picture of Mary and pray with your eyes open.
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(This is true for every Holy thing we try and pursue. If it’s something good for us spiritually, the devil tries super hard to get us not to do it by either distracting us or making us feel like it is useless)
Exactly! We are in the same problem… We are trying to be Holy but… this Demons are preventing us with their LIES…
I’ve been there done masturbation and now no more.

Here’s how I’ve overcame it.
Be more fervent in praying. Just like you, I began to think that praying the daily rosary, novena, going to church would do the job quickly but take control of your body. There’s a verse that i took by heart: “prisoner of sin”. I’m not going to be a prisoner anymore. I took inspiration from the works and lives of the saints like St Francis de Assisi who went to the extreme of forgetting himself/detaching from this world by fasting and living in the mountains.
I started
praying the rosary 3x a day,
pray the Divine Mercy daily.
attend daily mass whenever i can,
go to eucharistic adoration daily after work(is what worked for me the most and fastest).
go to confession every 1st saturday of the month,
fasting every wed and fri

Each time i’ve felt the urge of masturbation, I imagined someone is watching me like mama Mary who’s been crying blood for praying for me. I would felt so embarrassed praying the rosary, the our father, to the saints, etc. because they see me. The “pray for us sinners…” part becomes more heartfelt begging for mercy. I also call Jesus’ name when urge starts by repeatedly saying “In Jesus name, stay away from me satan… in Jesus name, in Jesus name…all angels and saints pray for me…” Think WWJD - what would jesus do? all the time.

When I had increased days of winning against lust, i thanked the Lord. I’ve count days, then months, then now 2 yrs of zero masturbation, zero pornography. Now I’m married, it was another level of lust to fight and follow natural family planning: no contraceptions/condoms. My daily struggle nowadays is not to look at women with no modesty in person and on TV.
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When a distraction comes, recognize it is simply a distraction and keep on with prayer. If it is the sort of distraction “oh, I need to pick up eggs and milk” write it down and go back to prayer. If it is dirty images, it is okay to say “I reject this image” and go back to prayer. Remember, Scripture tells us “resist the devil and he will flee from you”.
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