When there is war in other countries and others need help, is it not sinful to buy yourself alcohol, soft drinks, candy, cigarettes, movie tickets, Disney reservations, birthday cakes, etc. as a treat, instead of giving that money to help them? Are we not “One Body in Christ”? “When one suffers, all suffer” the Catechism says (cf. CCC 953). For Christians to throw parties for themselves while other Christians need medical and educational supplies, etc., is that not sinful? Is such behavior not a recapitulation of the Good Samaritan parable’s priest and Levite who “passed by on the other side”? (cf. Luke 10:29-37; Christians share in the common priesthood and are one family in Christ)
Jesus says,
It seems to me that what I have said here is correct, and that he is wrong to say it’s not a sin. It seems to me that it used to be okay to “not participate” in the plight of others internationally because we simply were unable to do so, but now that we have news and the means to help, it appears to me we have the moral imperative to do so. What are your thoughts? Have I erred in judgment? Am I mistaking some moral principle? If you disagree with me, then how is it not a sin? Why is it okay? How is it not self-centered and like the Rich Man who wouldn’t even give scraps (like the cost of beer or specialty coffee) to those in need (cf. Luke 16:19-21)? (Again, thanks to the Internet and recent globalization, those in need are effectively near us now.)
Jesus says,
My pastor told me it was not a sin for people to buy themselves drinks (soft drinks, alcohol) instead of helping people in Syria. The reason he gave was that if all of society were to do that, the people working at alcohol factories would be put out of work. He said it was not a simple problem. He said it was only sinful if it was an addiction. This discussion occurred in Japanese and he is busy, so I feel unable to discuss it with him further. I would have said, though, that in time of war, it makes sense for us to change jobs temporarily to help end the war: It would be good for the alcohol factories to shut down temporarily and those workers work instead to deliver humanitarian aid, for example. Again, “when one suffers, all suffer”: If we are not suffering with the Christians in Syria and Iraq, and more generally with others in need, are we really One Body with them?Luke 10:36-37
Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers’ victim?” He answered, “The one who treated him with mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
Matthew 7:21
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.
Matthew 25:45
He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’
It seems to me that what I have said here is correct, and that he is wrong to say it’s not a sin. It seems to me that it used to be okay to “not participate” in the plight of others internationally because we simply were unable to do so, but now that we have news and the means to help, it appears to me we have the moral imperative to do so. What are your thoughts? Have I erred in judgment? Am I mistaking some moral principle? If you disagree with me, then how is it not a sin? Why is it okay? How is it not self-centered and like the Rich Man who wouldn’t even give scraps (like the cost of beer or specialty coffee) to those in need (cf. Luke 16:19-21)? (Again, thanks to the Internet and recent globalization, those in need are effectively near us now.)