"Singing Nuns" Labeled a Hate Group

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The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has labeled as group of traditionalist Catholic nuns, The Sisters of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI), aka “Singing Nuns,” a hate group. They are located near Spokane, Washington. I have done a little researching on them, but am bewildered why they have been labeled with such a deplorable status. Is anyone familiar with these sisters or the SPLC?
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has labeled as group of traditionalist Catholic nuns, The Sisters of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI), aka “Singing Nuns,” a hate group. They are located near Spokane, Washington. I have done a little researching on them, but am bewildered why they have been labeled with such a deplorable status. Is anyone familiar with these sisters or the SPLC?
I am not familiar with these Nuns, but I do know about the SPLC. When Martin Luther King was alive, they served a very valuable function in fighting racial segregation. However, in recent years they have degenetarated into an anti-white racially bigotted, and anti-Catholic organization. They have a Marxist bent, and other than that abhor anything that is culturally white.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has labeled as group of traditionalist Catholic nuns, The Sisters of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI), aka “Singing Nuns,” a hate group. They are located near Spokane, Washington. I have done a little researching on them, but am bewildered why they have been labeled with such a deplorable status. Is anyone familiar with these sisters or the SPLC?
I am. They are anti-Semitic. They’re also not in communion with Francis, our Pope.
I am not familiar with these Nuns, but I do know about the SPLC. When Martin Luther King was alive, they served a very valuable function in fighting racial segregation. However, in recent years they have degenetarated into an anti-white racially bigotted, and anti-Catholic organization. They have a Marxist bent, and other than that abhor anything that is culturally white.
I got this story off a Libertarian website that I assume the SPLC has labled hateful. The writer was Thomas DiLorenzo, an economics professor at Loyola U. in Baltimore, Maryland.
Not familiar with the Sisters, but the SPLC basically exists to scare money out of rich liberal donors by spinning tales that there is a Kluxer or skinhead under every rock, by taking real examples of hate groups and then building on them. Any credibility the organization had with sane people has long vanished, and Morris Dees is basically the worst caricature of an ambulance chaser crossed with an “activist.”

That said, you can’t use the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” with them, though. Some of the groups they talk about are nasty and there are legitimate hate groups out there (I have known a few of the Christian Identity types and can’t think of much good to say about them). It’s unfortunate that one of the leading groups that opposes these hate groups is composed of people of poor character.
I am not familiar with these Nuns, but I do know about the SPLC. When Martin Luther King was alive, they served a very valuable function in fighting racial segregation. However, in recent years they have degenetarated into an anti-white racially bigotted, and anti-Catholic organization. They have a Marxist bent, and other than that abhor anything that is culturally white.
Actually they were founded in 1971 after the civil rights movement was over.So they haven’t ever helped with a single thing
As I recall, the SPLC was also instrumental in “advising” Homeland Security several years back, leading to that draft document identifying the pro-life movement as possible “terrorists.”
The SPLC often designates groups that engage in calumny against LGBT people as hate groups.
I think we know that. But it depends on if such ‘calumny’ happened and not just the SPLC views. That one fellow took up a gun to the Family Research Center possibly inspired by their literature. As far as I’m concerned the SPLC could be called a hate group.
I don’t know if they are a “hate group”, but the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen are Sedevacantist Traditionalists (with an emphasis on the Sedevacantist). The Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church are the women who separated from the schismatic “congregation” and reunited with the church. The Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church are in full communion with the Holy See and the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen are NOT.

So they celebrated 100 years of Mount St. Michael Academy in Spokane. I wonder if the school is diocesan.


Interesting and this school building is huge.

What I personally think is that the Nuns themselves have probably not done wrong but it is the larger organization they are apart of the SPLC does not agree with, the Congregation for the Immaculate Heart.
The school is privately run since the congregation is not in communion with the Church.
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