Sins of the past: they hurt

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I have a question: What should a person do when the sins of their past keep comming to their mind and they keep accusing us? I am talking about confessed sins, sins one wish never occured, and they come to mind especially at times of boredom, or when the person is not involved with work etc(in other words keeping thir mind occupied). I am not talking of tempations, where sins are re-presented, but rather, just things already confessed, but the person continue to feel guilty of, and becomes depressed. Is this demonic?
Thanks for your great (name removed by moderator)ut, and help here.
Please forgive yourself, God already has. You have punished yourself enough. Let the past go. From time-to-time we all wish that we could change or ‘un-do’ the past, but this is not possible. All we can do is commit ourselves to not making those same errors again.

I know that you have already told yourself this time and time again, but hopefully you gain strength in the knowledge that other people understand what you’re going through and are praying for you to heal.
When the priest says I absolve you… those sins are forgiven. I know of what you speak, but every time I go to Confession I always mention specifically at the end…and for all the sins of my past especially… (recalling those sins).
I don’t think this is a bad thing … I think it keeps us humble and mindful of His Grace & healing in this beautiful Sacrament.
Please God, thank you for your fogiveness!🙂
I have a question: What should a person do when the sins of their past keep comming to their mind and they keep accusing us? .
Pray!!! Your sins already have been forgiven and forgotten by our Lord. This certainly is not the Lord bring these past sins up.

Take heart and courge in knowing that if you confessed them, they are forgiven. The devil often uses these past sins to haunt us and make us feel that we are bad people, and not worthy of the promises of Christ.

In the past I, too, had a problem with this. ESPECIALLY during the years I was a protestant. Back then, there was no verbal absolution. So, I wasn’t sure of the forgiveness of my sins. And I had trouble forgiving myself. I still occasionally have a problem with this. But I am learning to turn it all over to God. It isn’t easy, but it can be done. It’s a constant effort.
Ahhh…I know exactly what you mean!

These past sins are a pain and I deal with it constantly. You may want to look into “scrupulosity”. I even read a book on this called “Understanding Scrupulosity” that I found on the Catholic Answers website I think…anyway, this is kinda my problem, but a priest has never officially told me this. I see all those reminders of past sins as attacks from satan and they should be dealt with like that. It can be both a curse and a blessing because it is annoying to put it lightly, but it can also keep us humble reminding us that we are not perfect (God allows satan to put us through trials to make us better). I would talk to a good priest about this. I went to confession and told a priest what my problem was and even though he absolved me of everything…still to this day I tell myself that I couldn’t have been specific enough because it still bothers me, so then I will go and tell another priest…well, this gets a little old, so the best thing to do is to try and find a regular confessor. While you always need forgiveness, you may also need healing. I am currently in this same dilemma…but trying to work through it without feeling like I am not trusting in God’s infinite Mercy…it is mostly a pshycolocical problem.
Hope this helps and that the Divine Mercy of Jesus will be your refuge…

A priest recently told me that absolution is like pulling the nail out of a piece of wood. The nail (sin) is now gone completely but it leaves it’s effect on the wood, a hole. That is like the effect of sin on us.

Many things can restore our wholeness over time. “Over time” is hard part. The good news is, “There is a balm in Gilead”: the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and Reconciliation; prayer, especially prayer for inner healing; reading scripture meditatively, Eucharistic Adoration (no words are necessary); the list goes on… Every encounter with Christ and His Church is healing. Making ourselves available to that healing takes presence and trust.

Lately, I have been dealing with the past, too. It is hard because I can’t reach back and change it. Today, however, was a day filled with joy. I just sat in church this morning while an almost constant steam of tears rolled gently down my cheeks without apparent cause. I just let them flow. I knew God was filling my holes. I am, after all, a new creation.

Imagine Jesus as the Good Samaritan finding you, Misericordie, along the side of the road. After, cleaning your wounds, lovingly annointing you with healing oils, He lifts you in His arms and takes you to a place of security and comfort. Here His very own Mother, His angels, all the saints join in caring for you long term. You in good hands.

As someone said earlier, “Courage”. I like the way Mother Angelica said it in Italian, “Couraggio” ( from the Latin *cor *for heart).
Thank you all for being so sweet with me and the great advice. I am moved to tears. PLEASE, can you all pray for my inner healing??? Thank you all sooo much.:love:
Yes. It IS difficult but it’s a distraction that makes saying the rosary a problem. I simply keep going in my prayer/faith life. The last thing God wants us to do (and the first thing Satan wants us to do) is to quit completely.
I was told, and not sure who said this, but “the fact that you are making the effort to please God, that it is pleasing to God!”

go with God!
The sad thing is we can not control our thoughts. I too have thoughts from the past to pop in my head and it seems over whelming at times. Like you, these are sins I have confessed and do believe God has forgiven me, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to forget anymore than I can forget sins committed against me in the past. Although I have prayed for those who have offened me and feel I have forgiven them, those things still come to mind.
Whenever a past offense committed against me comes to mind I pray for that person. I do the same when thoughts of my past sins come to mind. Although God does forgive us I don’t think He wants us to totally forget. If we could we might do those things again.
It may sound like a cliche, but pray about it. God has already forgiven you, so you don’t have to ask Him again, just offer it up. This is part of carrying our cross. If we did not feel remorse, we would not see the sin. Learn then to look at it in a positive light.
I struggle with this too, so I know my advice won’t take away the pain, but I do hope it eases it some.
God be with you!
I would pray and ask God to take away these thoughts from you. Ask for His Grace to help you overcome this difficulty. The other suggestions already posited rock!
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