Sirius Satellite Signs Stern

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How’s that for alliteration? Hope this is the right forum for this.

I heard today that Howard Stern has just been signed by Sirius Satellite Radio. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but I had heard that the head honcho at Sirius was Catholic and therefore sympathetic to the cause of Catholic Radio and so forth. So this announcement caught me by surprise.

Haven’t had time to research the details, has anyone looked into this?
If this is true I wish I could say that I’m shocked but I’m not, it’s all about money. I signed up for cable TV three years ago and regret ever since. My family insist we keep it. It drives me crazy to think that even 2 cents of my money goes to Stern.
Les Richardson:
I had heard that the head honcho at Sirius was Catholic and therefore sympathetic to the cause of Catholic Radio
I think Moe is right on the money in his analysis (sorry).

Being Canadian you may be sympathetic to the cause of the Expos. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re adverse to the cause of the Cubs or Phillies or whatever.

That the head of Sirius wants to see Catholic Radio succeed (if the story’s true) does not mean he wants the values of Catholic Radio to regulate his market-driven company.
I think Moe is right on the money in his analysis (sorry).

Being Canadian you may be sympathetic to the cause of the Expos. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re adverse to the cause of the Cubs or Phillies or whatever.

That the head of Sirius wants to see Catholic Radio succeed (if the story’s true) does not mean he wants the values of Catholic Radio to regulate his market-driven company.
Truth is, I don’t remember where I heard it, but I was under the impression that the guy was Catholic. It may have been during one of the radio-a-thons held periodically on Catholic Radio. Maybe I mis-heard it.

I was just thinking that if it was me, I couldn’t stomach Stern, regardless of how much revenue he would draw. The man is a walking talking moral degenerate, whose only serious pursuit is discovering how much lower he can get. It is not my habit to pass judgement on people, only on ideas, but I can make an exception just for Howard Stern. A waste of good air-time.
Howard was raised Jewish. He is not practicing.
He had his time, i used to listen to him for 10+ years every morning. i did get many a belly-laugh from him.

the last year he’s become a democrat poster boy bashing Bush at every turn. He stopped being funny, now I listen to Glen Beck every morning. Rush from 12-3 and Sean Hannity from 3-7.
Yeah, I thought I saw Sirius being advertised/promoted on EWTN! Ironic, to say the least, to have that slime king on the same system. Maybe the Christian subscribers could band together and threaten to cancel their subscriptions. Money talks…

My brother, who’s a professional musician, is always getting on me for being unrealistic because I get so upset that people like Howard Stern are popular. He claims that these people are just into show business & they’re just using a gimmick, i.e that they’re really not like their public personalities. I disagree - I saw some of Stern’s TV show once out of curiosity & it was disgusting, totally degrading of women, (although I also think that his female guests are as amoral & money-grubbing as he is), & generally one very small step away from pornography. Stern obviously likes his job.
I just find him un-entertaining. I accidently listen to him, in the morning. I’m an avid button pusher going from channel to channel. I thought he moved to Sirius, because there is no FCC. So his show will be well NC-17 rated to say, I hope people will have their common sense and not listen to him with children around. - Orwell is a prophet. the thought police live.
the problem with groups like this is they’d rather censor with an iron fist than teach the reasons why someone should change the channel.
which, by the way, is a viable option… turning the channel if you don’t like stern.

freedom of speech is the enemy of these groups. they must listen to stern quite often to know so much about him.

these groups that want to police the world’s morals scare the bejezuuss out of me.

i’ll retain control of my radio dial instead of relinqeshing control of whats available… thank you very much. :tiphat:
I kinda like Howard Stern. But then again, I have three older brothers so puerile humor still makes me laugh.
thechrismyster said: - Orwell is a prophet. the thought police live.
the problem with groups like this is they’d rather censor with an iron fist than teach the reasons why someone should change the channel.
which, by the way, is a viable option… turning the channel if you don’t like stern.

freedom of speech is the enemy of these groups. they must listen to stern quite often to know so much about him.

these groups that want to police the world’s morals scare the bejezuuss out of me.

i’ll retain control of my radio dial instead of relinqeshing control of whats available… thank you very much. :tiphat:

As an adult I agree with you, but I only have to listen to what my teenage son and daughter are listening to be worried. I ask them why they listen to it, they answer it’s on all the stations. I would like a safe haven for them to be able to get to.
I don’t listen to Howard Stern but I do own Sirius stock. It went up $2 a share when it was announced that Stern would be on satellite radio.
Some interesting replies but I have a Mea Culpa.

When I first heard the news I got Sirius confused with **Sienna **Communications which is definitely a Catholic oriented private company.

What can I say? I’m getting old? A brain cramp? I don’t know anything about Sirius, maybe they might object to being called catholic.

By the way, thechrismyster, I was listening to Fr Corapi recently who made the point that true freedom is freedom to do what you ought to do. Whereas, absolute freedom (we think) is really only license, and really not freedom when we count the consequences.
I should think that freedom of speech would fall into that category as well. What you forget is that what you consider freedom of speech today was not always available. Forty years ago Stern would have been tried on FCC violations after one show.

The communications and entertainment business have pushed the envelope and pushed and pushed until what most people think is normal today would have shocked and disgusted the vast majority of people even thirty years ago. So that’s freedom? Descend into the gutter? Is there anything of redeeming value on Stern’s show at all?

The truth of it is, there will be a time that Stern’s potty-mouth and potty mentality will be no longer acceptable on radio of any kind. These things go in cycles. It just remains to be seen how that comes about. Pressure from below (groups of people, organizations) or pressure from above (government).

In the meantime, I don’t care if he’s on broadcast or satellite, I do exactly as you say, and change the channel/station. I have no desire to start my day with sewer radio.

Forty years ago Stern would have been tried on FCC violations after one show.​

so would showing married couples sleeping in the same bed, exposing the fact John Kennedy was sleeping with Marilyn Monroe or showing J. Edgar Hoover as a crossdressing homosexual.

not having something in the open shouldn’t be mistaken for not having a problem with it. cockroaches go away in the day, but they still live.

I’d rather have Howard Stern in the open and exposed than covered up, sent underground and then he gets elevated to cult status among those that sneak a peak at his antics.
his show is going through a slow, lingering death… he’s so tied up with defeating Bush, stopping his oppressive bosses that he’s going to satellite radio which his average fan is NOT going to pay 10 bucks a month for.
He’s taking a money hit by doing this, almost glaringly admitting that he’s failing.

It’s simply the fact his schtick is getting tired.

I just get scared when i watch people so freely give up freedoms in the name of some false sense of security.
the average american will embrace censorship of a radio show with open arms, but they’re still cheating on their spouses, neglecting their kids and being absentee parents, divorcing, thieving, abusing and spending their precious time on this earth worshipping at the alter of the almighty dollar bill…

the popularity of Stern isn’t a problem, it’s a symptom of a REALLY messed up culture.

all the thought police do, in my opinion, is give false security as an opiate to the masses.

Forty years ago Stern would have been tried on FCC violations after one show.​

so would showing married couples sleeping in the same bed, exposing the fact John Kennedy was sleeping with Marilyn Monroe or showing J. Edgar Hoover as a crossdressing homosexual.

not having something in the open shouldn’t be mistaken for not having a problem with it. cockroaches go away in the day, but they still live.

I’d rather have Howard Stern in the open and exposed than covered up, sent underground and then he gets elevated to cult status among those that sneak a peak at his antics.
his show is going through a slow, lingering death… he’s so tied up with defeating Bush, stopping his oppressive bosses that he’s going to satellite radio which his average fan is NOT going to pay 10 bucks a month for.
He’s taking a money hit by doing this, almost glaringly admitting that he’s failing.

It’s simply the fact his schtick is getting tired.

I just get scared when i watch people so freely give up freedoms in the name of some false sense of security.
the average american will embrace censorship of a radio show with open arms, but they’re still cheating on their spouses, neglecting their kids and being absentee parents, divorcing, thieving, abusing and spending their precious time on this earth worshipping at the alter of the almighty dollar bill…

the popularity of Stern isn’t a problem, it’s a symptom of a REALLY messed up culture.

all the thought police do, in my opinion, is give false security as an opiate to the masses.
Decency laws exist for the good of society. Community standards and laws are meant to stabilize and protect the community. These laws do not negate free speech. They should be lloked at for their positive effect on society not the negative.

I’ll bet if Howard Stern was constantly bringing up your name on the radio and equating you and your family with his garbage, you just might hire an attorney. Why? To protect your good name. But why would you want to do this? Think about it.

Forty years ago Stern would have been tried on FCC violations after one show.​

so would showing married couples sleeping in the same bed, exposing the fact John Kennedy was sleeping with Marilyn Monroe or showing J. Edgar Hoover as a crossdressing homosexual.

not having something in the open shouldn’t be mistaken for not having a problem with it. cockroaches go away in the day, but they still live.

I’d rather have Howard Stern in the open and exposed than covered up, sent underground and then he gets elevated to cult status among those that sneak a peak at his antics.
his show is going through a slow, lingering death… he’s so tied up with defeating Bush, stopping his oppressive bosses that he’s going to satellite radio which his average fan is NOT going to pay 10 bucks a month for.
He’s taking a money hit by doing this, almost glaringly admitting that he’s failing.

It’s simply the fact his schtick is getting tired.

I just get scared when i watch people so freely give up freedoms in the name of some false sense of security.
the average american will embrace censorship of a radio show with open arms, but they’re still cheating on their spouses, neglecting their kids and being absentee parents, divorcing, thieving, abusing and spending their precious time on this earth worshipping at the alter of the almighty dollar bill…

the popularity of Stern isn’t a problem, it’s a symptom of a REALLY messed up culture.

all the thought police do, in my opinion, is give false security as an opiate to the masses.
I have been reading your posts in here, chrismyster, and I have to say I agree with you.

I live near Orlando and the radio staion that Stern was on down here was one that not too many kids listened to. It is mainly a talk radio staion. Well, after the big hoopla this year Stern was kicked off this station. But, guess what? The local rock station picked him up. The station that most of the young people in our area listen to. So what good did the thought police do anybody?

I have listened to Stern on and off for the past 20 years. Believe it or not he can be a pretty funny guy. But, his vulgarities seem to be getting worse and satelite radio is the best place for him. And, until he leaves the public airwaves and you don’t like what he is saying, turn him off. It is that easy.
But, guess what? The local rock station picked him up. The station that most of the young people in our area listen to. So what good did the thought police do anybody?

If he violates decency laws no radio station should legally be able to pick him up.
I understand your perspective, thechrismyster, and you make valid points. It’s true that the rot is in the society, and Stern is only acceptable by “community standards” as they say here in Canada, because the community is just as corrupt.

Clearly, the answer to the big problem is a change of heart, one person at a time, until the majority of the community hold a standard high enough to put Stern and his ilk out of business, and it would have nothing to do with freedom of expression because under the measure of “community standards” the community would be rejecting him. Will that happen tomorrow? I doubt it. Some day? I hope so.

However, in the meantime, this is what I have noticed. When you are constantly bombarded with something, even if it makes you uncomfortable, eventually you will develop a tolerance for it, become accustomed to it, and it subconciously drags your own standard down to that level. It has a moral effect, even for someone who has a strong faith. The first reaction, to change the station, is the the right one.

I spend 14-15 hours a day driving and so radio is a large part of my life. Last year, for a period of about six months I shut the radio off completely. I was a new convert at the time and I was learning the rosary, and the liturgy, memorizing everything, praying constantly (I confess I’ve slipped a bit lately in that department, to my own shame) When I felt the spiritual strength to turn the radio back on, my orientation was so focussed on God I couldn’t believe the garbage I had been listening to before. I was at a loss to find anything that I could listen to anymore.

I guess my point is, you could even get used to living next door to a sewage treatment plant, but why would you want to?
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