Hello, whoever reads this, please pray hard for my family and another. My sister is engaged to the son of the other family. He is a bit abusive, the whole other family is a bit abusive to mine. My family isn’t perfect (obviously) so we just make things worse. My other sister is trying to plan things for their wedding, and working with them is impossible. We can’t just break away from these people. We and the other family are part of a small Catholic community. My mother, oldest sister (not getting married), and second oldest (getting married) are all in sch a terrible situation. Please pray, especially for my sister who is supposed to be married in August. (She was actually supposed to be married last December but my mother pleaded with her to put it off (for every imaginal reason (spiritual, circumstantial, financial, etc…)) and the other family’s mother is very verbally abusive to mine for putting it off. She takes it as my mother saying her son isn’t good enough, just like she takes everything else my mother says in a self-centered way.) I’m sorry for ranting, it’s just such a hard situation. Please Pray, God Bless.