This forum was so helpful to me in the past I thought I’d ask for Catholic advice right here. I’ll try to make this as brief as possible. I’ve not had a great relationship with my sister my whole life, but it has gotten worse as adults. We’re very different - I was always studious and somewhat insecure, and she was the typical “mean girl” in school. I’ve been married 27 years and she has flitted from relationship to relationship, living with her last boyfriend for 3 years. That ended badly. I’ve tried to support her over the years, giving her advice and money when she’s asked, and she was nice to me for as long as it took to secure the money then ‘poof’ she’s gone.
Her last relationship ended horribly about 4 years ago and she has spiraled since. She doesn’t visit on holidays and birthdays. The last time we saw her on a holiday was a few Christmases ago. She drank so much she threw up in the guest bed. When I do hear from her it’s always confrontational. She’s always trying to provoke an argument, usually about politics. She called me a few months ago at night completely drunk, cursing at me for some article I posted on Facebook. It was benign - just about the right to try act whereby dying patients can try experimental drugs. I had it - I told her I wasn’t putting up with her abuse any longer and hung up. The next day I apologized but told her again I was tired of her constantly attacking me, and I was not going to put up with it. She didn’t apologize. She never does. A close friend of hers confirmed that she is always angry. I was surprised to hear they hadn’t spoken in 4 years. She is isolating everyone.
Fast forward to this past weekend. I had not seen her in a year. Me, my husband and my sister were taking my 81 year old mother out for her birthday. My sister walked in and my heart sank. She looked TERRIBLE. She was bloated and looked like she had just rolled out of bed. My father died alone as an alcoholic, so I know that look. She barely spoke to me and is obviously still mad at me for finally sticking up for myself a few months ago.
I called out sick today and spent an hour in the Adoration chapel praying for her. I pray for her all the time - Rosaries, Chaplets of Divine Mercy. I am wracking my brain trying to figure out what I ever did to her. I forgive her, but that doesn’t mean that I need to be a doormat whenever she needs to kick the proverbial dog. I wouldn’t dare to try to offer her advice - as my husband said I’d probably get a hand to my face.
Besides prayer I’m not sure what else I can do. I feel so guilty, but I’m not sure why. We have a small family and she’s my only sister. I feel like she is going to end up just like our father - dead in a dirty apartment. Any advice is appreciated.
Her last relationship ended horribly about 4 years ago and she has spiraled since. She doesn’t visit on holidays and birthdays. The last time we saw her on a holiday was a few Christmases ago. She drank so much she threw up in the guest bed. When I do hear from her it’s always confrontational. She’s always trying to provoke an argument, usually about politics. She called me a few months ago at night completely drunk, cursing at me for some article I posted on Facebook. It was benign - just about the right to try act whereby dying patients can try experimental drugs. I had it - I told her I wasn’t putting up with her abuse any longer and hung up. The next day I apologized but told her again I was tired of her constantly attacking me, and I was not going to put up with it. She didn’t apologize. She never does. A close friend of hers confirmed that she is always angry. I was surprised to hear they hadn’t spoken in 4 years. She is isolating everyone.
Fast forward to this past weekend. I had not seen her in a year. Me, my husband and my sister were taking my 81 year old mother out for her birthday. My sister walked in and my heart sank. She looked TERRIBLE. She was bloated and looked like she had just rolled out of bed. My father died alone as an alcoholic, so I know that look. She barely spoke to me and is obviously still mad at me for finally sticking up for myself a few months ago.
I called out sick today and spent an hour in the Adoration chapel praying for her. I pray for her all the time - Rosaries, Chaplets of Divine Mercy. I am wracking my brain trying to figure out what I ever did to her. I forgive her, but that doesn’t mean that I need to be a doormat whenever she needs to kick the proverbial dog. I wouldn’t dare to try to offer her advice - as my husband said I’d probably get a hand to my face.
Besides prayer I’m not sure what else I can do. I feel so guilty, but I’m not sure why. We have a small family and she’s my only sister. I feel like she is going to end up just like our father - dead in a dirty apartment. Any advice is appreciated.
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