Sisters of Divine Providence, Pittsburgh, PA

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Many years ago, Devine Providence Academy was one of the 3 options for Girls Catholic High School, in my neck of the woods of Pittsburgh.

At the time, fairly high regarded.

Thanks for sharing.


One of the Sister’s from there is a close family friend. If you visited, did you see the Labyrinth, she is the one to build it and I helped her out with the signage.
No, I havent visited. Are you familiar with Elinor Tong Dehey’s “Religious Women in the United States?” I am developing a “Dehey Tour” website. Perhaps the site can shock Catholics out of contraception and abortion. Just in 2013 and 2014, Wisconsin lost two great big convents.

Hello would anyone know how orthodox (or not) the Sisters of St Joseph of Springfield MA are? I received their fundraising letter asking for support for elderly retired sisters. When I looked at their website they seem a bit sketchy or not real faithful to the Magesterium. No mention of who their Bishop is or prayer, etc. I don’t want to support anything that would undermine the faith. On one of the info tabs they had a Labyrinth?? Is that New Age?? Are these the nuns that caused all kinds of chaos in the 60’s??
I so wish there were more sisters to teach/reach my kids!
Hello would anyone know how orthodox (or not) the Sisters of St Joseph of Springfield MA are? I received their fundraising letter asking for support for elderly retired sisters. When I looked at their website they seem a bit sketchy or not real faithful to the Magesterium. No mention of who their Bishop is or prayer, etc. I don’t want to support anything that would undermine the faith. On one of the info tabs they had a Labyrinth?? Is that New Age?? Are these the nuns that caused all kinds of chaos in the 60’s??
I so wish there were more sisters to teach/reach my kids!
The bishop gave them a million dollars to help with their financial shortfall. Their solicitation letter is legit. They’ve done a lot for the church in their area.

They have jubilarians celebrating 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80 years of service. If I were there, I would give each one a big hug.

As for the labyrinth, such is found in Chartes cathedral. Labyrinths are all over the place now, and being used by hospitals and prisons, among other places. “Higher Spirit” is ecumenical for God.

A new history of the Pittsburgh CDPs has just been published. It is by Sr. M. Christine Morkovsky (interestingly, a San Antonio CDP, not a Pittsburgh one). I don’t think it is being marketed widely, but you can probably buy a copy if you contact the motherhouse.
A new history of the Pittsburgh CDPs has just been published. It is by Sr. M. Christine Morkovsky (interestingly, a San Antonio CDP, not a Pittsburgh one). I don’t think it is being marketed widely, but you can probably buy a copy if you contact the motherhouse.
I have emailed the archives. No response yet as of this writing.

I doubt the archives are staffed over the weekend. I read the history when it was in process at the author’s request.
I doubt the archives are staffed over the weekend. I read the history when it was in process at the author’s request.
Those interested in the book should call the main number and ask for Ann Walker, Provincial’s admin assistant.

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