Sisters of the Holy Spirit & Mary Immaculate come-and-see

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The Sisters of the Holy Spirit & Mary Immaculate, who are indigenous to the San Antonio, TX, area, are having a come-and-see the weekend of March 10-12, 2017. Please see link for more details.
These sisters are remarkable. Their founder, Mother Margaret Mary Healy-Murphy, was married to a slaveowner who later became mayor of Corpus Christi, Texas. She (an Irish immigrant) always hated slavery. After her husband’s death, she used his considerable estate to start this congregation, always dedicated to working with African-Americans and Mexican-Americans. She is less well-known than St. Katharine Drexel, engaged in a similar apostolate and is but certainly worthy of admiration. I’ve stayed at their motherhouse, and found their dedication and spirit to be outstanding.
These sisters are remarkable. Their founder, Mother Margaret Mary Healy-Murphy, was married to a slaveowner who later became mayor of Corpus Christi, Texas. She (an Irish immigrant) always hated slavery. After her husband’s death, she used his considerable estate to start this congregation, always dedicated to working with African-Americans and Mexican-Americans. She is less well-known than St. Katharine Drexel, engaged in a similar apostolate and is but certainly worthy of admiration. I’ve stayed at their motherhouse, and found their dedication and spirit to be outstanding.
Awesome! Where can we find more information on Mother Healy-Murphy? I’d like to pass it on to the founders we support.
Mary Immaculata Turley, Mother Margaret Mary Healy-Murphy, A Biography (San Antonio, 1969).

Margaret Susan Thompson, “Philemon’s Dilemma: Nuns and Blacks in Nineteenth-Century America–Some Findings.” Records of the American Catholic Historical Society, vol. 96 (March-Dec. 1985): 3-18; reprinted in The American Catholic Religious Life: Selected Historical Essays, ed., Joseph M. White, New York: Garland, 1988.
I’ve never been to the motherhouse but its on Yucca Street. The Healy-Murphy Learning Center which the sisters run is named for her.
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