I am seeking advice on a situation that I know is just around the corner. About six months ago my mother had no place to go so we took her in. She is currently using my daughter’s room. Our daughter, who is about to turn five, is currently sleeping with us (my wife and I) in our bed since my mother moved in with us which has been about six months now. Our daughter is starting to hint that she wants her room back which we will have to give back to her. The problem is that we live in a small three-bedroom house so there will not be any room (we have a 12 year-old son). I have two other siblings, a brother and a sister, and they are unwilling/unable to take her in. My sister lives in a six-bedroom house on the east coast and my brother in a two-bedroom apartment and is about to get married. Space wise, I am the least capable of having my mother continue living with us. My sister is in the best position since she lives in a large house. However, she lives on the east coast close to our relatives on my father’s side who do not like my mother (my mother and father are divorced) so that will be a bad situation. My brother has an extra bedroom but because he is getting married he will not take her in. One interesting thing he told me is the he talked to a priest about this situation and the priest absolutely refused to marry him and his fiance if my brother allowed our mother to live with them. Not sure on the reasoning on that one.
Also, I think I need to add alittle more background to this situation. A couple of years ago my mother sold her apartment and out of the money she got she gave my brother 30K, my sister 15K, and myself 15K. With the rest she bought a mobile home but eventually sold that. She then moved in with a roommate and eventually moved in with my sister who at the time was living here on the west coast. When my sister decided to move to the east coast is when my mother moved in with us and started using my daughter’s room which forced her to sleep with us. She apparently lost the rest of the money she had (I have no idea how) which has put her in the situation she is in now. Knowing that she helped us with money when she had it I am alittle upset that between the three of us (my brother, sister, and myself) we are unable to help her. At the time she helped me I was recently laid-off and had no job. My brother was in school and the money she gave him helped him finish school. My sister I believe was pretty well off at the time and actually used the money to buy a car and other things.
So to summerize here is the status of my brother, sister, and myself:
sister - lives on the east coast in a six-bedroom house near my father and his relatives which do not like my mother, so living with her would probably not be a good idea
brother - lives on the south coast in a two-bedroom apartment and is about to get married. Tells me the priest he spoke to will refuse to marry him if he plans on taking our mother in after the marriage
myself - I live in a small three-bedroom house on the west coast and have two children and really don’t have any room
Does anyone have an suggestions and what we could or should do?
If she has no place to go I would never refuse to let her stay with us even if she had to sleep on the couch but I know that would not be a good situation.
Thanks in advance.
Also, I think I need to add alittle more background to this situation. A couple of years ago my mother sold her apartment and out of the money she got she gave my brother 30K, my sister 15K, and myself 15K. With the rest she bought a mobile home but eventually sold that. She then moved in with a roommate and eventually moved in with my sister who at the time was living here on the west coast. When my sister decided to move to the east coast is when my mother moved in with us and started using my daughter’s room which forced her to sleep with us. She apparently lost the rest of the money she had (I have no idea how) which has put her in the situation she is in now. Knowing that she helped us with money when she had it I am alittle upset that between the three of us (my brother, sister, and myself) we are unable to help her. At the time she helped me I was recently laid-off and had no job. My brother was in school and the money she gave him helped him finish school. My sister I believe was pretty well off at the time and actually used the money to buy a car and other things.
So to summerize here is the status of my brother, sister, and myself:
sister - lives on the east coast in a six-bedroom house near my father and his relatives which do not like my mother, so living with her would probably not be a good idea
brother - lives on the south coast in a two-bedroom apartment and is about to get married. Tells me the priest he spoke to will refuse to marry him if he plans on taking our mother in after the marriage
myself - I live in a small three-bedroom house on the west coast and have two children and really don’t have any room
Does anyone have an suggestions and what we could or should do?
If she has no place to go I would never refuse to let her stay with us even if she had to sleep on the couch but I know that would not be a good situation.
Thanks in advance.