Sleeping pill helps some in persistent vegetative state

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See Reborn at:,1870279,00.html
We have always been told there is no recovery from persistent vegetative state - doctors can only make a sufferer’s last days as painless as possible. But is that really the truth? Across three continents, severely brain-damaged patients are awake and talking after taking … a sleeping pill. And no one is more baffled than the GP who made the breakthrough. Steve Boggan witnesses these ‘strange and wonderful’ rebirths
This is truly a wonderful breakthrough! I have to wonder if our health providers here in the the USA will see it that way or not. There’s a large movement to kill off such comatose patients to “end their suffering” and other euphemisms designed to make it easy to get rid of them. It comes too late for Terri Schiavo, but I doubt her husband would have wanted to try it–he seemed hellbent on having her killed, for what reason we’ll probably never know now. So, I read the article with joy mixed with sorrow for all those who have been sacrificed to poor science and the culture of death that has taken over our health care programs. Maybe this will help reverse that trend!
This is good news for those that are being cared for. It sadens me to think of the many have been denied life in the name of “kindness”.
I was so happy to read this and so glad for the families involved. You see, my little brother was in this state almost 30 years ago. He could not respond for most of the five years except for the last month of his life when he could move his hand on command for a short period of time. We always felt that the surge of the pain that he was in (it would turn out that a stomach ulcer perforated and caused his death) somehow “awakened” pathways in his brain and allowed him to do this. I’ve always felt if we could just take care of our extremely brain-damaged brothers and sisters with the dignity that they deserve that someday science would catch up and figure out a way to free them from their prison. It’s amazing to think that the damaged brain cells have dormant areas that retain their functions. Praise God for all that can be!
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