Slogan ideas for the August 22 Planned Parenthood protests

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Please take a look at these ideas. I’d appreciate feedback!

Slogans and posters related to sale of baby parts

PP: turning baby parts into Lamborghinis. (Credit to Theo520 for that one)

Commodity Prices: Baby Lungs vs. Pork Bellies (show stock market-type graphs under each)

Humanity: Not for Sale!

Science-based Slogans Related to Planned Parenthood’s Other Activities

More than 13% of preterm babies born at 22 weeks survive.

Paragard IUD kills sperm by making your uterus toxic. [This is really true.]

IUDs contain barium and are radioactive.

Blood from the average woman with a Paragard IUD violates EPA safety standards for copper in drinking water.

(Action Level for Treatment Technique = 1.3 milligrams per Liter (mg/L) or 1.3 parts per million (ppm)
Mean blood level in de la Cruz et al., 2005 of IUD users – 216.63 micrograms per deciliter = 2.2 mg/L

Women with Mirena IUDs: 24% lose their period. 23% bleed between periods. 13% feel pain. 12% get ovarian cysts.

Emergency contraceptive pills do not reduce pregnancy rates. (Small font: Obstet Gynecol 2007;109:181–8)

Emergency contraceptive pills increase rates of sexually transmitted infections.

My friend almost died from a blood clot while she was on the Pill. This isn’t scientific, but it’s true.
I didn’t realize that PP carried inventory resembling auto parts store.
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