Sloth as a mortal sin

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So today I was planning on going to daily mass in the morning, but I had a really bad night of sleep and was exhausted so i didn’t go.

I do plan on going later on today though. Is this a mortal sin of me? It isn’t sunday mass or anything.
You have no obligation to attend daily Mass unless such has imposed by your confessor as penance; therefore, there is no sin. For sloth to be sinful, you must neglect some obligation; for it to be a mortal sin, the obligation must be grave (e.g. unjustly failing to fulfill your Sunday obligation, unjustly failing to fast and abstain on obligatory fast and abstinence days, refusing to support your family, etc.)
You have no obligation to attend daily Mass unless such has imposed by your confessor as penance
I doubt very much if such a penance could be imposed. A penance must be appropriate and cannot be unending. The priest cannot oblige a penitent to attend daily Mass. That would mean Mass 7 days a week.
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If anything, you were closer to sick than slothful. You’re bad night was not willful, and not under your control. (If you were out late partying, that is different). Be at peace.
Dominus vobiscum
Sloth is not laziness or weariness, sloth is despondency at the difficulty of a moral good. It is something closer to despair or giving up on ever improving.

Also if you are planning on going later today, where is the problem? You can change plans based on the situation.
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