Slovak abortion move worries EU

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It seems that the European Union is trying to force Catholics to cooperate with abortion. So much for individual rights to exercise one’s conscionce as one sees fit… :rolleyes:

Slovak abortion move worries EU

*"An attempt by the Vatican to reduce the number of abortions in Slovakia has raised concerns in the European Union about the loss of rights for women.

A draft treaty between Slovakia and the Holy See would allow hospital staff to refuse to do abortions or fertility treatment on religious grounds.

A panel of EU lawyers says this could restrict the rights of those who want them in such a firmly Catholic nation."… *
Just recently I heard an English journalist now living in the U.S. state that the E.U. is basically or just another form of Communism, albeit in a more appealing disguise, and destined to the same fate because of all the heavy-handed & arbitrary regulations it’s been promulgating. Given the fact that the majority of citizens in the member countries oppose their inclusion (as opposed to their governments & intellectual/economic elite), it would appear that he’s absolutely right. Any form of totalitarianism is destined to failure, no matter how egalitarian & inoffensive it seems. Let’s hope that in the meantime the E.U. fails as miserably in this matter as it did in getting its constitution ratified.
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