It seems that the European Union is trying to force Catholics to cooperate with abortion. So much for individual rights to exercise one’s conscionce as one sees fit…
Slovak abortion move worries EU
*"An attempt by the Vatican to reduce the number of abortions in Slovakia has raised concerns in the European Union about the loss of rights for women.
A draft treaty between Slovakia and the Holy See would allow hospital staff to refuse to do abortions or fertility treatment on religious grounds.
A panel of EU lawyers says this could restrict the rights of those who want them in such a firmly Catholic nation."… *
Slovak abortion move worries EU
*"An attempt by the Vatican to reduce the number of abortions in Slovakia has raised concerns in the European Union about the loss of rights for women.
A draft treaty between Slovakia and the Holy See would allow hospital staff to refuse to do abortions or fertility treatment on religious grounds.
A panel of EU lawyers says this could restrict the rights of those who want them in such a firmly Catholic nation."… *