What is Catholic thought and or teaching on the so called rock or popular Christian music. I have heard many things like it is bad because it uses an rock tempo, it is better than secular music scen, it celebrates christian virtue, christian pop music is bad because it creates an false sense of spirtualism without the church, it cheapens the gosple message reducing it to an button on the radio ect. Their are some Cathoic artists however most are protestant with protestant leaning lyrics. Their are several catholic ones omega rock comes to mind. Many of these artists mimic popular music types like rock, pop, funk, soul, alterntive. Many like switchfoot and jars of clay have had mainstream sucess. As an catholic is it bad to listen to this kind of music? 4Some people think the scripture verse about christans being salt and light in the culture means that christian music should mimic popular music. Is an catholic going aganist the church to listen or a better way to say it entertain Christian music that denys the pope and the place of the Cathoic Church? Should an Catholic not listen to artists and stations who practice OSAS.