So Happy To Be Catholic!

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Since becoming Catholic this past Easter I have found I’m so at peace with my spirituality. Sometimes I feel like my heart is going to burst because I’m so in love with the Church. When I receive communion its as if there is no one else there, just me and God and He’s telling me to never be afraid because He is always with me.

The rosary, all the litanies and novenas, the reverence, the holy days of obligation, the sacrament of reconciliation - all of it just makes me so happy. Simply saying a Hail Mary causes all my stress to disappear as if it was never there. When I see a priest I can’t help but smile and feel that all is right.

I’m so overjoyed with our beautiful religion, everything the Church stands for and all that we believe in. I truly feel blessed! 🙂
God has truly blessed you and called you home! I’m very happy for you.

Just remember that you’re sort of like a newlywed in the Church. You may not always feel this way, but continue to trust in God that you are in the Church He founded.

It is so comforting to know that the search is over; yet so wonderful because our Church is so rich with writings of the early fathers, the saints, all our wonderful traditions, that we will continue learning all our days on earth and still never know all there is to know!

Don’t you just want EVERYONE to be able to receive Jesus in Holy Communion?
That is a wonderful feeling. It went away for awhile about a year after I converted, but now it comes and goes. It is very nice to know I’m in the right place.
I don’t know that I ever felt truly at home except at Church. I love being able to be in church when it’s quiet. Adoration is a wonderful way to “be” with Our Lord and enjoy the stillness of His peace and love.

It is a mystery to me how anyone who has been “in the church” could ever leave, no pun intended. To me, to leave the church would mean to abandon God, or to feel like God abandoned them. How sad is that?

Yesterday I attended a “welcoming” Mass for the RCIA candidates at a friend’s church. Being a convert myself, I was flooded with memories and emotions as I watched these good souls publicly proclaim their desire to enter into the church, accept its teachings and seek full communion with us and God. It was beautiful.

I pray that we all will continually seek a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God and always seek a deeper and more profound understanding of our faith. As Peter said to Jesus as others walked away…“Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (John 6:68)

Always be ready to Love,
That’s awesome! God has brought you home.

Fellow convert from Easter 05 🙂
It is a mystery to me how anyone who has been “in the church” could ever leave, no pun intended. To me, to leave the church would mean to abandon God, or to feel like God abandoned them. How sad is that?
This brought a tear to my eye, Spiritonfire.

This is exactly how I’m feeling these days, and why I’m considering returning to the Church. I’m glad I looked into this thread.
I’m so happy for you…I think a lot of people lose that enthusiasm about the Church, especially cradle-Catholics like me…hold onto it…🙂
Great thread!

St. Julian Eymard said that heaven on earth is the Catholic Church because the king on the throne is in the Tabernacle. Each CC is A Kingdom of God.

My nephew was awed with one of the churches here in Houston and it is a classical cruciform church so I explained the 12 pillars represent the 12 apostles, the gigantic baldachino on top of the tabernacle with 4 pillars represent the 4 gospels, the tabernacle with the vigil candle directly above it signify that Christ is the light of the world and he is present; and that the pews are located on the “arms” of the church as well as the main body. So when we sit there, we complete the picture of ‘The Body of Christ.’ It was incredibly uplifting to see his face light up realizing the symphony of symbolism and reality that he just realized.

Chesterton said that he would often imagine Christ hiding something from everyone when he would go to the mountain and pray, it was joy. St. Thomas says that the virtuous man is the happy man. It makes sense that as we grow in virtue the happier we become. If anything the CC wants us to be truly happy people and it tirelessly preaches to live virtues.

in XT.
Since becoming Catholic this past Easter I have found I’m so at peace with my spirituality. Sometimes I feel like my heart is going to burst because I’m so in love with the Church. When I receive communion its as if there is no one else there, just me and God and He’s telling me to never be afraid because He is always with me.

The rosary, all the litanies and novenas, the reverence, the holy days of obligation, the sacrament of reconciliation - all of it just makes me so happy. Simply saying a Hail Mary causes all my stress to disappear as if it was never there. When I see a priest I can’t help but smile and feel that all is right.

I’m so overjoyed with our beautiful religion, everything the Church stands for and all that we believe in. I truly feel blessed! 🙂
I converted Easter '04…I know EXACTLY what you mean!!! Isn’t it wonderful? 😃 Aren’t we SO blessed!! :yup:
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