So, is the Church open?

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This is probably going to seem a stupid question to some, but you never know unless you ask.

I realize that the Bible states we should find a quiet place in our homes to where we can go and pray, and I do have that place.

It’s just that being inside the Church brings such a feeling of peace and well being to me…

So, my question is: Are Churches generally open and available at times other than when mass is being held so one could “stop in” and just get quiet with God?

I know: Stupid Question… Go ahead and flay me! (Actually, please be kind, I really am working on trying to learn this!)

Thank you.
depends on the area, we are in the center city and there have been lots of unpleasant incidents so it would be unwise to have the Church open all day.

A neighboring parish however is open 12 hours a day but they have several people around all day working there.

In my personal opinion, all Catholic Churches should be open at least during the day if not all night long, or a Eucharistic chapel should be open 24/7 even if it means hiring security guards. fortunately a parish in the next town has perpetual adoration, and when I go it is usually in the middle of the night (except when hub is out of town because he doesn;t want me driving on this highway)
From the Code of Canon Law:
Can. 937 Unless there is a grave reason to the contrary, the church in which the Most Holy Eucharist is reserved is to be open to the faithful for at least some hours every day so that they can pray before the Most Blessed Sacrament.
I realize that the Bible states we should find a quiet place in our homes to where we can go and pray, and I do have that place.
It’s just that being inside the Church brings such a feeling of peace and well being to me…
Well, Christ is truly present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity under the accidents of bread in the Tabernacle so I would encourage you to pray at church remembering that.
I have firends in an area where there is no resident priest so the Church is locked except for Mass. They frequently drive to the Church and pray the rosary, Divine Mercy etc outside the door knowing that Jesus is just the other side of the wall. When it is wet they sit in their car.

If you are able, sometimes the PP will allow some parishioners a key, especially if he knows them.
figment - I know how you feel. Life at my house is busy. I feel like I would get more from just walking into the doors of a church. Being Episcopalian, I don’t think “my people” take that seriously enough, meaning, my church is not open and if I want to go inside…I have to get a key…(too much time and effort really!) So, I sometimes stop by the local Catholic church for prayer. I pray the rosary and just spend some quite time alone.

Give the church a call, surely the secretary or someone there will know if the doors are open.
This is probably going to seem a stupid question to some, but you never know unless you ask.

I realize that the Bible states we should find a quiet place in our homes to where we can go and pray, and I do have that place.

It’s just that being inside the Church brings such a feeling of peace and well being to me…

So, my question is: Are Churches generally open and available at times other than when mass is being held so one could “stop in” and just get quiet with God?

I know: Stupid Question… Go ahead and flay me! (Actually, please be kind, I really am working on trying to learn this!)
You will not be flayed - and no question is stupid.
There is a reason being inside a Catholic Church brings you such peace…Jesus is there - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, inside the Tabernacle. No wonder you feel that way!
A Church will be open dependent upon the area and the safety of Our Lord. Unfortunately, as St. Peter said in his letters, the devil prowls like a lion. There have been some horrible instances of Our Lord being attacked. In His vulnerable state people have desecrated Him. While I know, and all faithful Catholic Christians know that the Lord allows evil because from great evil always comes great good, many Pastors have chosen to protect Our Lord by keeping the churches locked when not in use.
not a stupid question at all…you just need to check with the various parishes in your area.

Ours is generally open from the side entrance from sunrise to about 10 pm.

It’s only been in the past 2 years that we’ve had to start locking the doors after the final parish activity of any givin evening because of vandalism. Sad state of affairs these days. And now our bishop wants us to bolt down the tabernacles in the diocese because of threats of vandalism/theft of those! 😦

During the year of the Eucharist we held 24 hour Adoration on the First Fridays of the month and during that time we had the police come in to patrol the area between 11pm - 6am.

The saddest part is I live in a really nice, low population Christian town with wonderful people. But somebody around here, or perhaps people passing through, is stealing from churches and destroying pews/book/candles, etc.
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