So we are Catholic, so what? Maybe we do not have the energy to defend the faith and so we allow our children, family and friends to just scatter away like leaves in the wind to these other churches. Do we really understand what a treasure we have as Catholics? I have noted that many Catholics have been moving on to fundamentalist churches and even to Jehovah Witness Kingdom Halls. A friend who comes to weekday morning Mass told me that her son, was thinking of becoming a Muslim. People are leaving the Church because they do not feel their needs are being met in our Church. Maybe we feel that the Catholic Church is so big and global that we do not need to be a part of the movement to defend the faith and to teach the faith. Maybe we do not even do so in our own families. How do we who know that we are in the True Church - help such people? Many of these people are the children of cradle-Catholics, but they and even cradle-Catholics seem oblivious to what we believe and even the history of our Church. . I told the mother of her young adult son who wishes to become a Muslim to pray, but we must also intervene wherever possible through apologetics. These other churches are meeting a need that these Catholics feel our Church is not giving them. Any points would help. I am praying… and thinking… and listening… Even yesterday a catechist told me that we need to find a way to keep the young people interested in the Church. She said that they found the Church boring. Only God can help us now! What do we do? If they are involved, will they find it boring? Why are they not involved? Why do so many of us feel content in knowing so little about our faith? My heart aches because the Church is now under our watch and we are not doing what we should do to protect it - to carry it to the next generation.