Society acceptance of Homosexuality

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I’m a convert and have only been Catholic for almost 5 years. I’ll admit, I used to be someone who supported homosexuality. I do not anymore. But I’m confused because I know we’re supposed to love everyone, gays included, but not the sin. The confusion comes in that society equates the homosexual act as LOVE. So if we are against the act and believe it’s a sin, we’re labeled as bigots, or that we hate gays.
I’m disheartened by society’s acceptance of the sinful act. I’m a married woman and I myself have to be chaste by using NFP.
I have a tween daughter and I worry about her going to a public high school someday and being exposed to the LGBTQ acceptance and being bullied or labeled a bigot if she stands up for her faith. I myself work in a place where there are homosexuals, and I’ll admit I’m scared to bring up the fact that I’m Catholic around them.
I don’t know if I’m having a problem adjusting due to being a convert. I do believe the homosexual act is wrong. But I’m disheartened by the fear of being labeled a bigot because of it.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can grow a thicker skin and also help guide my daughter through this as she gets older?
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I have a tween daughter and I worry about her going to a public high school someday and being exposed to the LGBTQ acceptance and being bullied or labeled a bigot if she stands up for her faith. I myself work in a place where there are homosexuals, and I’ll admit I’m scared to bring up the fact that I’m Catholic around them.
I don’t know if I’m having a problem adjusting due to being a convert. I do believe the homosexual act is wrong. But I’m disheartened by the fear of being labeled a bigot because of it.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can grow a thicker skin and also help guide my daughter through this as she gets older?
How about considering watching Catholic Answers videos on the topic of Same sex attraction/SSA marriage?

That way if someone asks you questions you won’t be panicking. Your daughter can watch the videos too and she can be prepared to give answers.
Look up the Catholic Answers App and favorite SSA topic podcasts if you like to it. 🙂

You both can listen to it together in the car or something.
@30Something , do you have problems with a man and a woman committing adultery ?

Do you have problems with divorce and with divorced couples re-marrying ?

All that you say about gay relationships can be said about other immoral relationships .

We need to stop focusing on gays , and address the whole question of relationships we find unacceptable .

The acceptance by society of sinful acts between males and females is a problem for our children , and has been for many years .

The mess in society was with us long before the gay issue became so prominent .
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I wholeheartedly agree! That’s why I mentioned I’m married but am chaste most times because we won’t use contraception. Thank you for helping me realize I have tunnel vision.
In fact, my parents had infidelity in their marriage and divorced. It was very painful and still affects me today.
I find this hard. I’m a millennial and pretty much all my peers support this. I also worry what I would do if my child or another young family member was gay as I would instinctively want to support them.
I might be a millennial. Born in 1992. @ConfusedLucy

If you love your kid you want to steer them in the right direction. 💐🌷🌻
Rita’s two young sons, in keeping with the vice of the day, talked of avenging their father’s death. She did all she could to guide her children into forgiveness, but was unable to dissuade them from their evil intentions. Prayer was her only hope. She pleaded with God that he would prevent the evil swelling up in the hearts of her sons, or allow them to die before they had the chance to commit a mortal sin and in so doing be separated from God forever in hell.

God granted her prayers. Both of her sons fell sick and died within a year in a state of grace; God intervened and prevented them from following the evil path of their father.
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Society accepts many, many acts the Church teaches are sinful, including fornication, abortion, adultery, immodest clothing, pornography, etc. Homosexuality is not a unique case. The Church calls on us to be kind and inclusive to all people, whether we think they are sinning or not. This really isn’t hard to do. What “society” thinks is not really your battle to fight, nor your problem because Catholics are generally at odds with “society” on many things - and also in agreement with “society” on many other things.

I’ve not met many gay people who were that interested in whether I was Catholic or Zoroastrian; many of them who know me know that I’m Catholic and some of them are Catholic themselves. I don’t hide that I’m Catholic, but I don’t go around announcing the Church teachings on sex or anything else all day, especially at work. It’s pretty easy to treat all people kindly, be inclusive, and let everybody deal with their private life on their own time.
This may help with how to educate your child in the future

And if you search on the CA website they have quite a few articles on homosexuality which may help you yourself at this time.

It is a difficult issue there’s no doubt about it, but perhaps only if we want everything our own way. Our journey is a personal one and so perhaps we must attend to our own salvation best and try to help others if we are able along the way.

One thing about homosexuality is that I think we tend to see it as a personal choice and therefore a personality problem rather than people being physiologically attracted to their own sex. And from a homosexual point of view it may be that they experience SSA habitually and then create a whole mental construct around it as though it were a personal choice. I think there are errors in both camps, so to speak.

Hope the links help.
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Accept and love all people regardless of what you believe their sins are. If homosexual behavior is sinful, it is only one of a million sins. You don’t have to tell people you agree or disagree with their sin. It isn’t a requirement to do that. I am sure you wouldn’t like it if people at work or school talked about the sins you commit and then felt the need to tell you all about how they felt about it.
We need to stop focusing on gays , and address the whole question of relationships we find unacceptable .

Yes great idea. One can’t log onto this site without seeing multiple threads about gays. I know I don’t have to read them but I’m sick of seeing the threads anyway.
Always keep “the good” in focus. Because that’s what morality is about. And very few people understand that.

The good that sexual morality is oriented to is the existence of people. It is good to be alive. Everything points to that, and so what seems like harsh prohibitions are not for the sake of the no, but the yes to human beings.
Keep that focus in your conversations, and make sure the conversation is kind, so that the young person knows she can speak with you even while disagreeing.
The truth will come to the surface, trust in it.
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I have a tween daughter and I worry about her going to a public high school someday and being exposed to the LGBTQ acceptance and being bullied or labeled a bigot if she stands up for her faith.
Start inoculating her!
I myself work in a place where there are homosexuals, and I’ll admit I’m scared to bring up the fact that I’m Catholic around them.
This can be a very valid situation. I worked in government for decades, and witnessed a growing intolerance of Catholic values as the growing “tolerance” for alternative lifestyles proliferated. I learned to be very quiet at work, how to change the subject, and limited social occasions with co-workers to survive it. I played the role I was hired to play, focused on my work tasks, and learned to leave the room when subjects like this arose. I became an incognito Catholic! I was even worried about arriving at work with Ashes at the beginning of Lent, lest people assume I was hostile toward them.
But I’m disheartened by the fear of being labeled a bigot because of it.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can grow a thicker skin and also help guide my daughter through this as she gets older?
I am not sure you should. I think this is the sign of a well formed and sensitive conscience. I think you just need some good tools to help you navigate it.
Thank you everyone! I think my focus on homosexuality was because I was watching a Hallmark Christmas movie last night, and in the movie was a gay minister who had a husband. I’ve also noticed popular tv shows that are making young kids gay. I just feel like that agenda is getting pushed on us. But I do understand that we are to love everyone and treat everyone with respect.
I appreciate all the replies and will pray about all this.
One show might not.
No a tv show wouldn’t but a stream of media promoting the concept could lead someone to experiment whereas they may not have given it much thought priorly.

Tv does affect us, that’s why billions have been spent on advertising, simple when you think about it.
After learning more about what went on back in the early centuries in Roman times, it seems like the sexual deviations of today is nothing new. Adultery, abortion, sodomy, orgies, etc. All went on back then.

When addressing these issues it needs to be done out of love. I experience SSA, I always felt like I would be rejected and shunned if I told someone. That never happened. All are called to chastity as Catholics, I’m trying to live the faith. I’ve done things, I have friends who’ve done things too. The church has saints though from all walks of life, I think one was even a prostitute. You have Paul who was killing Christians. Many other examples.

Everyone is searching for love. The one thing that will satisfy them, that ache. That can only be found in God. We’re all sons and daughters of God. I used to be so appalled by all the sexual stuff going on in this culture. Now I feel compassion towards them. They’re just looking for God who is love, but they’re going about it in the wrong way. We all sin. We’re all in the same boat. God wants to save us from this and lead us to him.

I can see how people say pride is the root of all evils. I need to trust and let God take care of me, far too often I want to do things on my own or say I know better. Like a rebellious child. Jesus never stops searching for his lost sheep though. This ain’t an easy path but it’s the only way for true fulfillment.
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