I happened to drive by a church the other day with a sign out front saying “Old Roman Catholic Church” and “Society of St. Mark.”
According to one of their websites, they received approval in the 1100’s to be an “independant” Catholic church (i.e. not under the pope). According to another of their sites, it seems that they broke with Rome in the late 19th century, possibly over the doctrine of papal infallibility, and that they view Eastern Orthodox as being more authentically “Catholic” than Roman Catholicism. Although they claim to be more traditional, they have some very non-traditional beliefs, such as married priests and female priests.
Can anyone provide me with more detail on this organization and truth behind their claims? Are they another organization like the SSPX with a valid but illicit priesthood?
According to one of their websites, they received approval in the 1100’s to be an “independant” Catholic church (i.e. not under the pope). According to another of their sites, it seems that they broke with Rome in the late 19th century, possibly over the doctrine of papal infallibility, and that they view Eastern Orthodox as being more authentically “Catholic” than Roman Catholicism. Although they claim to be more traditional, they have some very non-traditional beliefs, such as married priests and female priests.
Can anyone provide me with more detail on this organization and truth behind their claims? Are they another organization like the SSPX with a valid but illicit priesthood?