Am revising my question in the post above to try and emphasize what I was getting at…Yeah, me neither. As I have said many times on this forum, people generally seem to leave the Church for the following reasons: Sin, especially premarital or extramarital sex/ porn/ masturbation/ artificial birth control etc, looked more attractive and the Church just seemed really old-fashioned on these matters. Laziness - it’s “boring” to go to Mass or pray a Rosary, “I get nothing out of it” etc Marriage - they marry a non-Catholic spouse and join spouse’s church, or they can’t ge…
For those who remember - back in the days of JP2 - there seemed to be such a sense of solidarity in the church… It was wonderful…
Today we seem more divided, and it is as if disruption is the “in-thing”…
Per these divisions - I just wonder if it could be having a positive effect?
For instance, one Priest at church in a homily commented on the second round of scandals, saying “the hope in al this is it will produce a better church in the end…”
I’m asking if you think that is true? If so, it would seem difficult for us right now, but nevertheless it could strangely have a positive, faith-building effect, which could be unifying… Hence, it would build solidarity, although it seems more of a winnowing exercise…
I still miss the days of JP2, though…