I am not suggesting anything, just pointing out that I am not qualified to determine if placing someone in solitary confinement is or is not appropriate. The authority that has to deal with that person has the knowledge if he/she is capable of living in relative harmony with the rest of the inmate population.
If that authority determined that the individual is NOT capable of this, what choices do they have available?
Either segregate or eliminate.
Which is the lesser evil?
As for the escapees example, it is just that, an example of how evil and debased some humans beings are capable of. They already where in a “max security prison”, I doubt they were not in confinement though. It would have been harder to accomplish the escape if they had been.
However I am NOT saying that somehow the wardens could/should have somehow predicted the escape and by isolating them prevented it.
Then I would be guilty of monday morning quarterbacking too.
In other words people see Solitary confinement as a “punishment”.
We put men and women in prison to protect society from evil being inflicted upon it.
Sometime we need to put SOME criminals in isolation (within the prison) in order to protect the other inmates.
The Solitary confinement portrayed in hollywood movies (Placing the prisoner in a dark, damp, dungeon) which WAS a punishment, I very much doubt it exists in the civilized occident (Europe, Canada, USA). I would not be so sure of less “enlightened” societies.