Some advice I was once given : "Keep on posting"

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New member
I used to frequent a Catholic Forum .

It was a Catholic Forum open to all .

It was not a pleasant place to be .

Anti-Catholics used it to vent their hatred of all things Catholic .

I grew weary of trying to dialogue with such people , so I resorted to posting threads about the good things done by the Catholic Church…indisputable facts which were basically impossible to refute . They produced little response .

Two Catholic stalwarts of the forum , whom I admired for their dogged determination , sent me PMs in which they expressed their gratitude for what I was doing . Both pointed out that , though the threads I had created may have got little response , they were at least viewed .

From that , my advice is , if you like something then post about it . Don’t be put off if members fail to come along in their droves to respond . You will find that they are read . And who knows what good seed may have been planted by your words ?

So if there’s something you would like to post , then post it , and keep on posting …Keep sowing those good seeds .

Another member said , " A good friend here who has since passed on told me a lot more people read than comment. I tell my students that sometimes you’re
the pebble in God’s hand cast into the lake. Sometimes it sinks sometimes it skips but the ripples that it makes help life all through the lake and the pebble never knows what good it does.

" So be true to your heart and God , though you may never see the differences you make you will make them . "
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Sometimes, we are your students here as well, Rob. 🙂

Yes, please do keep posting. Your contributions would be greatly missed if you stopped.
Plus many read who may not have actually joined the site 🙂 God bless in all you do Rob.
Yeah, I’ve definitely read some of your posts with interest, even if I haven’t responded. 👍
I appreciate all the regulars who post on Catholic teachings or prayers or saints etc. Rob, I especially like that you posted the saints from ICN because now I have a new source of finding saints to read about.

I would hope that all of our posts do some good. There are days when I wonder if our posts are appreciated and many, many days when I hesitate to post here any more, given the reactions by some and also the fact that the rules can be extremely, extremely confusing. I would hope all of our posts do some good. I try to think positive about them.
I enjoy your searches and photos as your so easy going and positive posts,Rob.
Agree that you would be missed if you left and also about the pebble thrown into the lake.
Thank you for sharing,Rob
Just looking at this thread, this is the 7th post, but there have thus far been 77 views.

My observation from looking at the views to posts ratios over the years is that there are generally 10 views for every post in a thread. So it is true that there are a lot more people reading than posting.
Keep doing what your doing. I think it is important to be able to hold civil dialogue about our common faith and about those areas where we differ.
I joined this forum in part because I want to know what it is about the Catholic faith that makes Catholics hold fast to it, so for the most part I’m content just to hear what they have to say about it. Thanks for letting us know.
Rob, today’s St. post: 115 views, one comment. (Mine. ☺️)

Thanks for pointing that out about views vs posts, @Joe_5859!
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I almost always view the saint posts whether I comment or “like” or not. Sometimes I’m out of likes.

Also I just linked the people in the Mortal Sin thread worrying about their failures to your Fr. Ian Petit clip from the other day.
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If there is one thing we can be sure of, if @Rob2 is commenting, he’s probably got a picture for us haha, I always enjoy them. There’s definitely a bunch of regulars here that give good advice on a regular basis, you are certainly one of them
Sound advice, Brave Sir Robin. 😉 I could learn a lot from it with the new format which absolutely…I’ll hold my tongue and say a Hail Mary. 😖
No likes left 😊
Thank you for all your threads and posts Rob,you help me to be grateful for all the good there is God bless.
Proverbs 25: 11-12 (NASB)

11 Like apples of gold in settings of silver
Is a word spoken in right circumstances.

12 Like an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold
Is a wise reprover to a listening ear.
I wish I had the courage to do this more. Sadly, I know I’m a sensitive soul and even here many people make comments that can be really damaging so I tend to lurk more than post. 😦

I struggle with suicidal thoughts and self-harm and I still remember someone on this forum once told me “The world would be a better place without this viewpoint”. That was several months ago and it’s still stuck with me and become a repeating voice when then dark thoughts cloud in again. Forums are very difficult places to talk openly about things we care deeply about, especially when people suggest the world would be better without people who think like I do.
I am sorry that someone said that to you. That was not very kind. We don’t have to all agree about everything, but no one needs to make a statement like that. Please continue to post also, and if someone should really answer rudely to you, flag the comment.
@Delphinus , I pray that you will be granted courage , and wisdom to discern God’s will for you concerning forums .
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