Some questions about Jehovah's Witnesses

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Okay, so I can intellectually know something, but not know it in practice. So if there are any former Jehovah’s Witnesses here, or even practicing Jehovah’s Witnesses, I would like to discuss some things about them. I’m already well aware of a lot of their beliefs, but I know with a lot of religions, there’s a culture associated with it, I know because I’ve talked to quite a few people here about Mormon culture. Would any of y’all be able to discuss this with me? I know that Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t celebrate birthdays or holidays, well what do they do? Thanks!
I was born into and raised as a JW most of my life (figured out they were not the truth a few years ago) They don’t really celebrate much of anything. I mean they may do weddings, anniversaries, and they say that there most important celebration is the memorial of Christ’s death (which only one’s of the 144,000 are allowed to partake of the bread and wine. But it still get’s passed around so everyone at least touches the plate and wine glass) And some JW’s are more strict while others are a bit less. If there’s something I can help you with, let me know.
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I appreciate the answer. There are a lot of kingdom halls around where I live, but I don’t really know any JWs. I do see their literature quite often.
You’re welcome. If there’s anything else that I can answer for you, I will certainly try.
I used to have a neighbor next door who went to the same Catholic parish that I went to.
She didn’t have a lot of information about JWs, and when they knocked on her door and and chatted with her they asked if they could have a bible study with her. So, for several weeks, once a week, they came.

It wasn’t until they questioned about why she had a statue of Our Blessed Mother in her living room that she caught on that something was not right. After that they were not welcome in her home for “bible studies”.
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