Hi Salival -
Sexuality, according to Jesus’ teaching is reserved for people who are married. Also, in the Bible St Paul tells us that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore we should not treat our bodies with disrespect by prostituting it. Read Matthew 19:1-12, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 and Romans 8:1-13.
As for your questions:
1-Oral sex - This may be considered by some to be a form of sodomy. God burned the city of Sodom to the ground because of the sexual crime and other debased sinning occuring there. (This story is where we get the word
sodomy) However, if performed by a married couple, it may fit into Christ’s teachings on marraige. I know of no direct teaching concerning this.
2 - In the Bible Jesus tells us that marraige is a bond created by God. “The two are made one flesh.” also “…whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery.”
3 - It’s OK if thier married.
Let’s be honest here. Human sexuality is a fundimental urge. All humans are concubescent. Only the strictest people observe these rules, especially the ordained ministers of the church who take vows of celibacy, and even they slip up once in a while. In Catholic theology, concubiscence is viewed as a consequence of Original Sin. No one, except Mary is exempt from it.
It is one of the things Jesus left us the Sacrament of Reconciliation for. But don’t abuse it.
Hi, I would like to know the Catholic answer to these questions:
1-Oral Sex, is it moral or immoral? Why?
2-Divorce, I know it is immoral. But can anyone provide some reasons?
3-Sex between people who are sterile and can’t have children. Is it moral?
Thanks in advance,