Someone explain the sin of presumption

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I am underage for legal drinking In the United States and I learned from a priest that it would be considered venial sin unless drunk. I was with my friends and then I remembered as I was drinking that I would be receiving communion tomorrow and that Holy Communion cleanses one of their venial sins. Would this be considered presumption.
Actually venial sin is pardoned before the act of Communion during the “Penitential Act” however…
So you were drinking and you KNOW it is sinful.
The sin of presumption is when we imagine that we are owed forgiveness instead of asking for leniency toward us because we are sorry for having failed,
So the question is are you sorry you went drinking?
In other words are we truly repentant of our shortcomings?
If we are not sure we would be better off going for confession and absolution. At least we will be assured that we are OK with GOD.
If I do confess is that still presumption? If while u was drinking a thought popped in my head like I can just confess this tomorrow is that what presumption is?
When you go for confession you are forgiven even if you only go to it merely because you fear going to hell. Perfect contrition IS the desired state for confession. But imperfect contrition still suffices.
So that would not be presumption. When one avails oneself of the means to make it right with GOD outside of ourselves we have eliminated the presumption.
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The following may be helpful -

From Catholic Encyclopedia-

"The first is the sin of presumption, and the other the sin of despair. Presumption is when a person believes that God automatically forgives his or sins, simply because the person desires forgiveness, and that one does not need to actually say or do anything to repent of his sins. It is, in a word, a willingness to receive God’s mercy and forgiveness without the accompanying desire to repent.

God’s mercy cannot bring about true spiritual renewal unless we are willing to cooperate with God. The Catholic Encyclopedia notes how presumption – which it defines as a state in which the soul “hopes for salvation without doing anything to deserve it, or for pardon from his sins without repenting of them” – is born of a sense of pride."

CCC #2092
2092 There are two kinds of presumption. Either man presumes upon his own capacities, (hoping to be able to save himself without help from on high), or he presumes upon God’s almight power or his mercy (hoping to obtain his forgiveness without conversion and glory without merit).

So it seems this question is common here lately. Here it is in a nutshell. The law is a just law. You knowingly break that law for no reason knowing it’s a law. This has potential gravity. I’m not sure why you talk this over with a priest and continue with it here but you need to form your conscience well. Have you talked to your parents about it?
I still will talk to my priest during confession but I’m just worrying right now if that would be considered presumption
So do you I may have committed presumption(and yes I will talk to a priest but I would like to hear before)
Go to confession - underage drinking is against a just law - that’s wrong and if you knew it was wrong beforehand, then that is a sin you’ve committed.
I remembered as I was drinking
So you knew, you remembered and I assume continued drinking with friends?

Perhaps you should read this article below as I think you will benefit in understanding of this underage drinking issue -

So do you I may have committed presumption
Ask yourself these questions (from one of the links I first posted above) -
Q. 1184. How may we be guilty of presumption?

A. We may be guilty of presumption:
  1. By putting off confession when in a state of mortal sin;
  2. By delaying the amendment of our lives and repentance for past sins;
  3. By being indifferent about the number of times we yield to any temptation after we have once yielded and broken our resolution to resist it;
  4. By thinking we can avoid sin without avoiding its near occasion;
  5. By relying too much on ourselves and neglecting to follow the advice of our confessor in regard to the sins we confess.
Either you are misunderstanding that priest or he is wrong. You should discus this with your parents and have them help you learn about the gravity. You are giving too much power to people on the internet you don’t know.

Any priest saying that disobeying your parents with drinking alcohol underage is not grave matter is not only theologically questionable but potentially legally liable as well as morally. In charity perhaps you are misunderstanding him or he is misunderstanding you. I would think a bishop would not approve if one of his priests dispensing this type of advice on reddit.
(but I realized at mass I wouldn’t be forgiven unless I’m truly sorry for my sins)
^^^^ you need to focus on that .

For that matter each time we deliberately sin we are presuming on God’s mercy, but that is not what the sin of presumption is.

Someone who deliberately continues to commit sin, has no intention of changing ie firmly resolved to sin no more and avoid the near occasion of sin … “cause God will always forgive me, no matter when i repent” is presuming on Gods mercy.

If you can’t go to confession, then make an act of perfect contrition and go as soon as you can. To work up sorrow for sins committed try picturing yourself standing near to Jesus at each of the sorrowful mysteries - imagine the scene, sounds, smells. Imagine standing in front of the B.V.M , look into her eyes while knowing it was your sins (and mine and everyone else’s) that caused such suffering of Jesus her Son, and that she knows this. These have never failed me in eliciting true sorrow and repentance in me.

Go to Confession.
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