Someone please tell me if this is mortal sin

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First of all I’m not sure if I chose the right category so sorry about that. Can someone please tell me if this was a mortal sin for me I’m really worried. So I spent the night at my freinds house and I could kind of tell what he was about to search up on his tv. And he went onto po*n on the TV and I looked for like 2 seconds it was before he started the video but I could see the like thumbnails of the videos and I’m not sure if I saw anything or not, but I looked quick and then looked away. Would that be a mortal sin for me or not because I was not the one who searched it and I didn’t watch anything except for a quick glimpse. Also I kept saying while looking the other way like come on guys this is messed up get off.
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This is a question for your priest in Confession.

(You might want to look for different friends!)
I would compare that to having a porn pop-up on a PC. Dude, you weren’t the one looking at it. It is your friend’s sin, not yours.
I’m not sure it’s a sin-after all, you weren’t seeking it out. You might want to ask a priest…?
No no you didn’t sin. That was your friends that did unfortunately. But you were resisting that. Seeing it pop up isn’t a sin, you weren’t looking for it
Okay thanks that is what I was thinking and I’ll just pray and I’m sure Jesus would know I didn’t intend to do it and will forgive me
Thanks so much I know this is something to ask a priest probably but during corona it’s quite hard and I did go to confession a week ago
Yes. But just bring it up at your next confession. This isn’t something you have to run to confession for. Don’t let this trouble your heart
No it was not, porn and things like that catches your eyes really quick, you didnt choose to look at it, it show up, you saw it, your brain processed the information, your common sense immediately told you to turn around, you used your will and said “no”, you even asked your friends to take it off, a mortal sin would be if you stare at the thumbnails after realising it is porn.

take a deep breath and thank the Lord for giving you eyeballs and a sexual instinct, you rule over your animal impulses and only uses them at the rigth occasions.
No sin for you here. Not even close.
Sin requires grave matter, consent, and full knowledge that what you are doing is wrong.
Dominus vobiscum
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