Something about the e-bay scandal I was e-mailed

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Our 16 year old daughter just informed me that in her Bible Class at school (Yes! Public school in Texas! I just love this state!),that the 30 pieces of silver/30 denarii that Judas was paid tobetray Jesus equals about $2,000 US today. She said there was awebsite they went to in her class and did the calculating. Below, in the*** is part of what I found when searching…They figured 945 Britishpounds sterling…And the exchange is around $2.00/pound? I could notfind the english site she’d used in school, but I thought I’d postanyway…That is how much the consecrated eucharist sold for on eBay!****************Interesting to work out how much 2 mites are worth in today’sterms:. `mite’ = lepton … For instance, Judas’ 30 pieces of silver = 30denarii = £945. …****************Wow. And Woe…

The name of the poster to the newsgroup from which this message was attached to the e-mail sent me is not included for the poster’s privacy.
Woe is right at least that guy turned the Eucharist over,but it makes you think about the sorry times we live in.
Well, I certainly agree! WOE!

I’m new to this forum, but the Good Lord gave me a gregarious personality(!! Some say mouthy!!!). So, as I am wont to do, I’ll jump right in.

After reading your post, I was reminded of a passage from 1 Timothy 6, where St. Paul speaks of those with " corrupted minds, who are deprived of the truth, supposing religion to be a means of gain."

I pray that the poor soul who sold our Dear Lord Jesus for 30 shekels will experience true conversion and come home to the Church. I understand the seller was convinced to stop the sale. Does anyone have good information on this?

An interesting note: I ran off a copy of the article on EWTN about this and took it to my next door neighbor, who is also Catholic. He showed it to his dad, who totally flipped! He started calling everyone he knows to tell them to boycott eBay.

Needless to say, I’m pulling out of eBay myself. Their cavalier attitude about things sacred to Catholics is disgusting.

And that’s my 2 cents on the $2000!

God Bless!

Bobbi Scott
You may be interested to know that the Ebay boycott now has a website at, where Catholics can get information about the boycott, the facts that led up to it, and how they can join the effort.

Vincent DiCarlo
A Decent Respect
1331 Garden Highway, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95833-9773
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