Our 16 year old daughter just informed me that in her Bible Class at school (Yes! Public school in Texas! I just love this state!),that the 30 pieces of silver/30 denarii that Judas was paid tobetray Jesus equals about $2,000 US today. She said there was awebsite they went to in her class and did the calculating. Below, in the*** is part of what I found when searching…They figured 945 Britishpounds sterling…And the exchange is around $2.00/pound? I could notfind the english site she’d used in school, but I thought I’d postanyway…That is how much the consecrated eucharist sold for on eBay!****************Interesting to work out how much 2 mites are worth in today’sterms:. `mite’ = lepton … For instance, Judas’ 30 pieces of silver = 30denarii = £945. …****************Wow. And Woe…
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