The universe still adds up to nothing, in the sense that it is a “sum zero energy” reality.
If something is “sum zero energy”, then it’s total energy is nothing, and therefore it adds up to nothing.
This makes sense if before the creation, the universe was “void”
Genesis 1:2 “…The earth was formless and** void.**…”
Funny how the ancient Jews seemed to know a thing or two, without the benefits of modern science.
Incidentally as someone who believes in Intelligent Design, I came across this quote in a book “Why the Universe is the Way it Is” by Hugh Ross, an Astronomer.
Chapter 2 - “… at certain early epochs in cosmic history, its (the universe’s) mass density must have been as finely tuned as one part in 10 to the 60 to allow for the possible existence of physical life at any time or place within the entirety of the universe. This degree of fine tuning is so great that it’s as if right after the universe’s beginning someone could have destroyed the possibility of life within it by subtracting a single dime’s mass from the whole of the observable universe, or adding a single dime’s mass to it…”
In the same chapter he mentioned “dark energy” which apparently opposes gravity and expands the universe while gravity works towards contraction. He commented …
“… Much in the same way as the mass density of the universe must be fine tuned to ensure that the universe expands in exactly the way life requires, the dark energy density also must be fine-tuned. However its fine tuning is orders of magnitude more stringent. If dark energy were changed by as little as one part in 10 to the 120, the universe would be unable to support life. A number this small can be hard to picture. If compared to the mass of the entire universe, it would be no bigger than a billionth of a trilliionth of an electron’s mass…”
That’s why I get cynical about the blatent dishonesty of atheists who talk blandly about “multiverses”. To beat the odds of this one existing from some sort of quantum explosion by blind chance and allowing life to exist, let alone intelligent life on a heavy element rich planet like the one we’re on, you’d have to win Lotto many billion times
in a row without fail, buying a single ticket each time.