First of all what is the current understanding of the catholic teaching of free will and predestination?
-Also how to rebut these claims:
-Also how to rebut these claims:
- Everything seen and unseen that happens, and has happened was the will of God. How? Because everything is interconnected. Either it ‘happened for a reason’ or ‘it was science’ and we know how it works, Didn’t god create both and know the consequences?
- Something has got to give: Either the will of God, our free will, or the existance of God as we know him through Christianity. Why?
-The will of God is of everything that happens because he could change it if he wanted to: He knows all that is going to happen before we, our parents, our grandparents, or even the dinosaurs that we evolved fromever existed, he intervenes with our everyday lives if need be, he created us and everyone around us. The interconnected web of what I call ‘interactions’ grows with every second, as never again will everything be exactly the same as it was one split second ago. Therefore: since the beginning of time, since the very creation of the universe and beyond, everything was already written out and known by God. He knows the web of interconnected actions because he started it with one single thing (which we don’t know how it came about scientifically). God chose our DNA/ biology and knew how we were going to react to the different things in our lives. He also controls the sciences of the world, the weather, the mountains, soil erosion, and the instincts of animals on earth. He programed us a certain way, and knows what our reactions will be to those conditions he created. For example: He knew that Hitler and Stalin would raise to power amist a depression in the early 1900s and slaughter millions. But would you say that this slaughter was the will of God? Thats not the God we claim to know. Yet he knew these things would happen and still created these people. Instead, if God wanted to, he could have made Hitler the next ‘Van Gogh’ and a great painter instead of a power hungry mass murderer. Along with this, we are told there is no ‘luck’, only the will of God. We also say many times ‘there is a reason for everything’.
–Therefore these statements that everything is interconnected in a web makes sense, but goes against Christianity in terms of free will. Because are we not a mere collection of physical molecules working together to create a ‘life’. (I’m not talking about souls here yet). Are we as humans, the way we think, and therefore our actions such as “our decision” to perhaps rob a bank…merely the result of 1. How we think and how our brians developed biologically/ chemically. 2. How we were raised by our parents (or lack there of), and 3. Every day interactions with people, friends, and even the atmosphere.
-All of these things determine what we will do daily. What we do is made up of our past experiences, which are all known to god, and our future decisions, are based upon those past experiences. Or, they can be influenced by god himself through miracles etc. but then again those are also controlled by god. Therefore everything is predestined since the very beginning of time. Every action has effect another action. And they can only happen once in time. This gives proof to Pre-destination. God knows the effects of everything, and yet he allows them to happen and we attribute things to him. - Yet, if we have free will we can supposedly choose between outcomes. Yet, our future actions are a result of previous actions along with ourselves (meaning how we think biologically and chemically in our brains) and therefore we can never say that we have free will. For free will is the ability to choose to do what we please. And since everything is connected…ie (if your grandmother was 1 minute late on that honeymoon boat in the 400’s you wouldn’t exist!). Therefore, it was pre-determined/ pre-destined that you would be born or not born, depending on the actions of the world and your ancestors. Free will therefore is an illusion that we are not effected by our previous experiences and that we have the choice to choose between good and evil.
- Yet, does sin really exist? From this, no. Why? Because God predestined us to be who we are, as a result of our ‘placement’ in this space/ time. He knew that we would sin, and we sin as a result of the way we think which is determined by either 1. God himself through his intervention in dreams, miracles, etc. Or 2. Through past experiences and interactions with other people and the physical world (ie, the weather, plants, animals, etc). Therefore one who commits murder was already to be known to do so since the beginning of time. And was it their fault? Was it their fault that they ended up the way they were? Or is that ‘being’ a result of physical interactions in the world or spiritual interactions with God that made him the way he is?
- Now, here’s the thing, If god knows all, and predetermined this man to be a murderer, then why does he claim to judge him? What is the reason to judge a man who as a ‘being’ is simply made up of his experiences in the slums of New York for example which drove him to thinking that a life of crime was morally acceptable and perfectly fine? Wasn’t it Gods will that this man was created the way he was biologically and chemically? Or that he parents even ever got together at all to create him?- God could have stopped this from happening.
Case in point.- Sin therefore doesent exist. And from this, Christianity collapses. Because without sin there is no reason for judgement, as we are not to blame for how we came to be about. It doesent necessarily rule out God, but it does rule out free will, sin, and judgement.