Something strange going on in Canada

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The last couple of years I’ve noticed more and more people coming to church. After decades of decline there seems to be a revival going on, at least in my area of Toronto. I’ve visited a number of parishes the last few months and most seem to be very well attended, some overflowing every sunday. The parish closest to me has 5 masses on sunday, every one of them packed. I’m not sure why, but I’ve noticed the masses seem to be more reverential than they used to be.

How are things in your neck of the woods? Any similar experiences?
i live in a hugely catholic part of texas - bryan/college station. so my experience is a bit skewed. but i’m very glad to hear about the ‘revival’ you’ve got going on up there. any idea whatsoever what’s causing it?
I have no idea but I suspect its the greater reverence shown during mass. At one parish I used to frequent a new priest came in and asked the congregation to make any pious gestures in front of the altar after receiving the host but to do it when we return to our seats. Attendance at that parish has been on the decline. But at another where everyone kneels to receive the host in front of the altar attendance is good. But I can’t say for certain if that is the cause, I would have to investigate further.

It may be the well attended parishes are the ones which are more involved in the community. The one I go to has ball hockey in the church auditorium for the kids, AA meetings, religious plays and dances for singles. It has a very good atmosphere to say the least.
I’m encouraged to hear about the full churches up there too.

When I lived in Chicago, I visited a church where people knelt in front of the alter to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. They always had very long lines at the confessionals every Saturday and Sunday and Mass was always well attended. Maybe the reverence given to the Eucharist does have something to do with Mass attendance.

I wish we had the option of receiving the host kneeling in front of the alter at my parish in the suburbs of Chicago…
The last couple of years I’ve noticed more and more people coming to church. After decades of decline there seems to be a revival going on, at least in my area of Toronto.

How are things in your neck of the woods? Any similar experiences?
Glad to hear that it’s not just a certain church near the airport in Toronto that is seeing growth. 😉 This is great news.

The Catholics of this parish in North Wales moved to a larger church about 8 or 9 years ago. The old one which had served them well for 150 years was not in great shape and there were too many people to fit comfortably. So the parish bought an Anglican church that was closing and moved in, selling off the old Catholic church to the only company that would buy it - a public house.

The Catholic church is now packed out on a Sunday morning so latecomers struggle for seats. On a Sunday evening it’s a bit over half full. For the confirmations on Friday it was full. I can’t talk about other masses as I haven’t been going for long. But I think the church is still seeing growth - through new children, adults becoming catholic from other churches (ok - so I am that adult), and from new Christian converts.

The very sad thing that I learned the other day from an Anglican minister is that there are Anglicans who went to that church who now don’t attend church. There are several other Anglican churches including a cathedral within a mile or two. But they refuse to go to those because that’s not “their church”. Very sad.

Oops - this started joyful and ended depressing. Sorry.


I have no idea but I suspect its the greater reverence shown during mass. At one parish I used to frequent a new priest came in and asked the congregation to make any pious gestures in front of the altar after receiving the host but to do it when we return to our seats. Attendance at that parish has been on the decline. But at another where everyone kneels to receive the host in front of the altar attendance is good. But I can’t say for certain if that is the cause, I would have to investigate further.

It may be the well attended parishes are the ones which are more involved in the community. The one I go to has ball hockey in the church auditorium for the kids, AA meetings, religious plays and dances for singles. It has a very good atmosphere to say the least.
You should use this as a chance to strike while the iron is hot. Do you have Eucharistic adoration? If not, see if you can get one going. If you do, kick it up a notch by getting them to add more days or even going perpetual if you can. There are many testimonies about great things happening in parishes that start adoration.

The news I tend to hear about Canada regarding Catholicism tends to be negative (classifying homilies against sodomy as hate speech, etc.), glad to hear some good news.

There are some good things going on here in Ottawa as well. 200 people went through the RCIA program last year across the archdiocese. (almost) perpetual adoration is available at one parish. 6am to 10pm 7 days a week. There are a couple other parishes that also host periods of adoration. It is becoming an important part of my prayer life. There are some good youth programs and various Bible and book study meetings throughout Ottawa.

Now, if only there was an increase in vocations 😦
I think the church does have to be more than Mass on Sunday.

You should just look at what the LifeTeen group has done for the parish. After five years the Parish is much more aware of the teens and are willing to give money…they love our lagzana dinner/play night. They love to come out as a community.
The teens have started to grow older and now they are helping in CCD and the little kids revere the faith of the teens…and so they are willing to go to Mass on Sunday…In the past year it was clear that with the Mens’ club, prayer group, church school, lifeteen skit practice, and various other smaller groups that the church basment is far too small…this in a town that is loosing people everyday due to economic depression…
Well, count me as one of the new (very new) bodies in the pews.

I think a lot of people are seeking shelter from the storm outside that is our radical secular culture. Canada is really going off the deep end these days.

There may have also been a recent influx of Catholic immigrants into Toronto these past few years. I don’t know the figures, just speculating.
Well, count me as one of the new (very new) bodies in the pews.

I think a lot of people are seeking shelter from the storm outside that is our radical secular culture. Canada is really going off the deep end these days.

There may have also been a recent influx of Catholic immigrants into Toronto these past few years. I don’t know the figures, just speculating.
That’s what I thought too, the ethnic parishes are certainly bustling. That’s to be expected given that immigrants tend to want to congregate together for support and a church which caters to them is a perfect place. But even regular english churches seem to be going through a revival. Maybe its just in my area. One seems to be very traditional and even has latin masses every sunday, the other is affiliated with the knights of Columbus and is heavily attended. Some of the area residents are getting annoyed because there isn’t enough parking on church property and parisheners are parking on the surrounding streets. 🙂
Scott Waddell:
You should use this as a chance to strike while the iron is hot. Do you have Eucharistic adoration? If not, see if you can get one going. If you do, kick it up a notch by getting them to add more days or even going perpetual if you can. There are many testimonies about great things happening in parishes that start adoration.

The news I tend to hear about Canada regarding Catholicism tends to be negative (classifying homilies against sodomy as hate speech, etc.), glad to hear some good news.

There is eucharistic adoration, especially this year.

Canada has been imposing a muzzle on the Church. That may be part of the reason for the resurgance in attendance. People tend to come together when they feel under attack.

The parishes in my neighbourhood seem to be taking a more active role in the everyday lives of parisheners. As I’ve mentioned there is ball hockey for the kids and teenagers, and choir performances for the adults. In fact a concert on medieval and renaissance music is coming up soon.
Maybe Canada has gotten sick of the liberal state run church that has ok’d gay marriage.
Good News 😃
I would hope that part of the reason for Church enrollment is because of World Youth Day.
WOW how soon we forget!!! My family went to see the Pope John Paul 2yrs ago in Toronto…It Was Awesome…
Our family continues to Pray for the Fruits of World Youth Days.
Please continue to pray for this…Some of the young people that attended are at the age where they are discerning…so we need to continue to pray for the Fruits of those wonderful days.
Maybe the revival is a combo of all of the above: the fruits of World Youth Day plus persecutions that are underway. I’d be curious to hear if this is just in the Toronto region or if it spans the whole country, coast to coast.
I am so excited to hear this about Catholic parishes!!! 🙂 Within my Diocese in Victoria, Texas I also see a movement. There has been many parished sponsered ACTS retreats and Cursillo. They have also been offering retreats for troubled married couples and you can without a doubt tell the spirit is working.

God Bless All
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