It’s a tad long, but worth the ten or fifteen minutes it’ll take.
In other words, those who are heterodox (“progressive” as he wrongly put it) in their approach to the life of the Church are just as valid as those who are orthodox (“neo-conservative”, once again wrongly stated). Anyone who is smart enough to know better and still uses “progressive” and “neo-conservative” or other such political terms to describe religious beliefs of Catholics is hiding his true intentions. There can be NO “dialog” between heterodoxy and orthodoxy be that heterodoxy “traditionalist” (in the radical sense of the word) or “progressive”. And his throwing in “differing cultures and linguistic groups” is just a smoke screen. Either he means to include those openly practicing the gay lifestyle by using the euphemism “differing cultures” or he is being disingenuous by including groups that are neutral in the battle between heterodoxy and orthodoxy in the Church.I spend time with progressive social justice groups, traditionalist liturgical movements, neo-conservative political circles, and dynamic charismatic movements, not to mention Catholics from widely differing cultures and linguistic groups, and I never feel that I have to choose among them.
I find myself agreeing with your post and link even though I typically disagree with most of your other posts…but I guess thats the point…we need to listen even when we disagree. Thanks for the link… it has given me a lot to think about…hopefully it will have the same effect on many others.It’s a tad long, but worth the ten or fifteen minutes it’ll take.
I am an European but I don´t believe the bishops want to hand over their teaching to theologioans and laypeople. The bishops here are very conservative. There may be more reasons that churches are getting more and more empty and have to close down too.I find that I have a problem with the article. I am under the impression that the Church in Europe is suffering from a lose of membership. One of the reason for that appears to be the inablity of the Bishops to express the CHurches teaching. The Bishops in Europe seeems to want to hand over their teaching mandate to the theologians and laypeople.
I may be wrong, but I get the impression that this person hold the idea that the bishops must give into the people’s will rather the the Churches teaching.
True, but this author wasn’t using the adjectives to describe religious beliefs, but social ones (social justice, political circles). Social Justice may be progressine, but it is very orthodox — see St. John Chrysostom, and Rerum Novarum and Quadrigesimo Anno, and the “Access to Catholic Social Justice Teachings” website at www.justpeace.org . And, even though it may be sometimes hard to believe, it is possible to be an orthodox Catholic and a Republican neo-con at the same time, though it isn’t very common in my neighborhood, where the Republicans are consistently anti-life and anti-human except for talking, and only talking, not doing anything, about abortion.I didn’t have to read any more than this to know where the guy is coming from and the kinds of things he’d have to say:
“I spend time with progressive social justice groups, traditionalist liturgical movements, neo-conservative political circles, and dynamic charismatic movements, not to mention Catholics from widely differing cultures and linguistic groups, and I never feel that I have to choose among them.”
In other words, those who are heterodox (“progressive” as he wrongly put it) in their approach to the life of the Church are just as valid as those who are orthodox (“neo-conservative”, once again wrongly stated). Anyone who is smart enough to know better and still uses “progressive” and “neo-conservative” or other such political terms to describe religious beliefs of Catholics is hiding his true intentions. .