Song question?

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Anyone know of a CD that has the song “let it rain, let it rain. Open the floodgates of heaven” on it? Thanks
I believe Michael W. Smith has done this one one of his two Worship albums because he does it a LOT in his concerts… he didn’t write the song though (unless its one of a few on the second worship album - I know he wrote NONE of the songs on the first one - which is why I don’t care for either of them - they’re just not up to the quality of the stuff he writes himself!) so it may be on some other folks albums… (also need to apologize - I do like some of the second album - because he does some Rich Mullins stuff - and Rich was the only songwriter who ranked up there with Smitty in my book on sheer songwriting ability)

ok just went and looked (because yes I have the albums even though I don’t like them - I have every single one of Smitty’s albums - all 16-ish not sure of the count at the moment) and its on the first one (“Worship” as opposed to “Worship Again”) and was written by Michael Farron (whomever that is) if that helps any…
Am i searching,
I was just wondering what your screen name refers to? Just curious. Thanks
When I joined I wasn’t sure whether I was actually considering the Catholic Church or not… so it described how I felt… actually still does a bit - even though I have come to the conclusion that while I still have some more reading and research to do, I do think that is where God is leading me… so not so much of a question as it was before, lol =) (Thank God for Scott Hahn’s conversion story posted up online - its really what sent me over the edge to “oh my goodness how could we have missed the boat so badly in the Protestant church???”)
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