Son's due date

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I ask for prayers. Tomarrow is my son’s due date. He was born dead Nov. 6th. Pray the Holy Spirit guides my every thought and word. Pray I don’t complain or feel sorry for myself. Pray I can be happy for all the mother’s enjoying their infants. Pray I don’t cry all the way through Mass. Pray I don’t cry all day. Pray I remember My son is in heaven and happier than I could ever make him. Pray that God will reveal his will so that I may better understand what he would have me do.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious son. I will be praying for you.
I ask for prayers. Tomarrow is my son’s due date. He was born dead Nov. 6th. Pray the Holy Spirit guides my every thought and word. Pray I don’t complain or feel sorry for myself. Pray I can be happy for all the mother’s enjoying their infants. Pray I don’t cry all the way through Mass. Pray I don’t cry all day. Pray I remember My son is in heaven and happier than I could ever make him. Pray that God will reveal his will so that I may better understand what he would have me do.
Please don’t be so hard on yourself. Just because your son is up in heaven doesn’t mean you can’t mourn and grieve. You have permission to cry!!! As long as it doesn’t turn into months of endless tears where you can no longer live your life it’s OK. Cry all day. Feel sorry for yourself. Complain. Your loved ones will understand. If you want to do it here we will all understand. You do not have to be strong tomorrow. God can be strong for you.

I will remember you and your son and the rest of your family in my prayers.

Malia, you are to kind. I know my loved ones love me, but they aren’t to open to listening to much when it comes to my last two children. My Mom is wonderful, but thinks I should get over all this quicker. I delivered a little girl stillborn last Mother’s Day and my son in Nov… Most of my family doesn’t understand why I would want another child. I have three with me and two in heaven. My husband agreed to have the fourth child as an anniversary gift to me. My in-laws told me there probably wouldn’t be a body to bury with my son. (Not a big deal except they are doctors and nurses.) I had my son at home because I couldn’t stand to go to the OB floor again to deliver another dead child. I don’t want to cry! I just want to know to what greater good will this come to? I know God’s plan is fantastic, but it feels my world has fallen apart and I just want to get on to the fantastic part. I keep thinking what on earth am I suppose to be learning from this? I want to learn it so I can go on.
I keep thinking what on earth am I suppose to be learning from this? I want to learn it so I can go on.
Honey, I so feel for you. I was blessed to hold and feed and talk to my Saint in heaven for 2 1/2 years after she was born and had her in-utero for 10 months before that! I can not imagine never being able to do that! To lose my baby before I could even get to know her!

This is your first time coming upon your son’s due date, do allow yourself to mourn him! Next year it will be a little easier.

God may not be ready to reveal to you yet either what His plan is in all of this, or He may think you are not ready to know it, rest assured that you have given Him another soul who glorifies Him.

May God grant you your wish to know what His will in all this is for you.

Brenda V.
my dear… if you feel like crying go ahead and cry… cry the whole day if you want and feel like you have to… i did it and i was on this forum talking to my family here … they consoled me so much… we will do the same for you… just give us the chance…
take care of ur self… remember, grieving is a part of healing and you have 2 losses to grieve… no one can understand the pain that u have…

the greater good that i have from the trauma that i went through is that i got a deeper understanding of Jesus and He taught me what He wanted in my life…

Allow this pain to take you closer to HIM…

I will pray for you… remember we will all be there for you here tomorrow
Mary cried at the loss of her son. There is nothing wrong with that. Cry all you need to. God will love you and comfort you through this. Accepting God’s Will does not mean you cannot feel sorrow about the loss of a baby. The sadness you feel is what will bring you closer to your Father in Heaven. Imagine yourself in His arms. He knows every tear that falls and wishes to be the one to give you comfort and healing. No sorrow is in vain if it is joined with Christ’s sufferings. He will hold you gently, love you, wipe away your tears and give you peace, as only a loving Father could.
I will pray for you.
God bless you.
I have cried. I hate crying in front of anyone. I go out to the car late at night and I cry as loud and hard as I can to get it all out. If I cry infront of anyone, they think I may be loosing it. I offer it all up and try never to cry in front of people. I don’t cry all the time and often I don’t cry at all. It has been a tough year. Loosing two children is the most difficult part. I wish I had a good priest to guide me through this. I keep thinking God is trying to teach me something.
I am sorry for your pain and your loss. May God fill you with peace anbd grace today and for the future.
I am so sorry… you have suffered severely…
May Christ fill you with everlasting peace…
I will pray for you. Know that it is OK to cry, OK to let those close to you know that you’re hurting. May our Mother Mary, who also lost a child, grant you peace. :console:
I am praying hard for you today! May Jesus and Mary give you Their peace today and every day for the rest of your life. May your little Saints Joseph and Theresa accompany you to Heaven one day when your mission is also completed.
I’m not sure God is trying to teach you anything other than to lean on Him during this horrible time. Often bad things just happen to good people, without reason.
Cry, cry, and cry again if you need to. Call out to Jesus to help you through this and to Mary, His Mother. She knows what it’s like to lose a child.
My prayers are with you as you go through this trial.
Prayers. I lost a son at 27 weeks. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through but that little guy has impacted, and continues to impact, my life in so many ways. Wishing you peace,
I did not notice if you named your son. Perhaps, now that he is a saint with the Lord, you can ask him to do things you cannot do… and he will love being called by name. The Lord loved him enough to want his home so soon.

I named both my children Joseph Marie and Theresa Little Flower. I have little pieces of the blankets they were wrapped in inside a little locket that I wear always. I always ask them to join me in my prayers and then I ask them to continue to pray when I can’t. It is just so hard. I literally prayed for years that my husband would change his mind and agree to have one more child. He finally did and Theresa was born dead at 31 weeks. I conceived Joseph shortly after Theresa’s due date. Joseph was born dead at 16 weeks. They figured he died at 14 weeks. I am not young and I doubt my husband will agree to try again. We have three children with us and two in heaven. I have for the most part just asked that God’s will be done. I know he has held me through this. I look back on last Mother’s day as I gave birth to Theresa. I was at peace. I offered her up to Mary as a Mother’s day gift. Joseph has been harder. I had gifted one child already. Why would God ask for another so soon? I held his little lifeless body in the palm of my hand and he was so perfect and so tiny. It is just hard. I want to kiss little warm heads and have them cuddle into my arms. Know one has been able to figure out why these two children died. I am working with a prolife doctor and will be going to Dr. Hilgers in June. My cycle is a mess and we haven’t been able to get it in line and I am sure my hormones are off. Such is life.
Thank you so much for your prayers. I know they help. I asked St. Theresa to send me roses for my son’s special day. I got a whole bush from a friend I haven’t seen in months.
Thank you so much for your prayers. I know they help. I asked St. Theresa to send me roses for my son’s special day. I got a whole bush from a friend I haven’t seen in months.
Wow! That’s amazing! Such an inspirational story 🙂 You’ve been in my thoughts and prayers today.
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