Soo, how exactly do we adore Eucharist?

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I just got signed up for Eucharistic adoration and, um, I dont know exactly what I’m going to be,um, doing:o .

I wanted to get involved somehow, but due to my academic and work schedule, I can only participate in adoration. I’m not complaining :nope: , I think it’s a great opportunity, but I have no idea what I’ll be doing:bowdown:

Any1 have any links to specific prayers/ “Eucharistic Adoration for Dummies”/some sort of guide? The history isnt hard to find though.

Thanks:D .

(I like inserting smiles if you havent noticed)
This is a decision you will be very happy you made – to spend regular time with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament!

Here are some GREAT books that will lead you in your hour:

I have read these three:

Come to Me
Loving Jesus with the Heart of Mary
Letters to a Brother Priest

They are all incredible beautiful, meditative and touching. Also, the Church you are going to might have some other guides to get you started.

Basically, you are keeping Our Lord company, there to praise and thank Him, bring Him your petitions, and just spend time in His presence.

You would be surprised at how NATURAL it is to be in God’s presence for Adoration, and how you naturally begin to interact with God almost perfectly.

The first few times I went, I just cried. It was an overwhelming experience, and I just wallowed in it.

Sometimes, even now, I expect to go, I take meditation material- and after I go in and kneel- I’m swept away…

God knows what we need, and why we sit with Him. We need not even have coherent thought or prayer. Just give yourself over to being there.

If you need to contemplate, think of all the blessings in your life- mull them over and thank God for each of them. Then approach your problems similarly. Thank God for each of the blessings, and give Him each of your problems.

I also use this time to focus prayer on the Communion of Saints- my dead relatives- special Saints- my guardian angel.

Use the time to empty your mind of everything. I think the human mind functions more efficiently when it is ‘rebooted’ often 😉

Adoration will be something you look forward to, and it will give you a new appreciation for the Mass itself. You will have established a relationship with God- and as the priest performs the Mass, you will see our offering and God’s in a new light.

Bless you for going to Adoration.

If you are wondering what to ‘do’ when you enter the chapel or church for Adoration, here’s what I do. Not everyone does the same (in my experience) but most do.

Upon entering the chapel, I bless myself with holy water. Then I make my way to a pew where I can easily see the Monstrance. I drop to both knees and make a profound bow to God before entering the pew.

Then I kneel- for the whole hour, praying and bawling, and emptying my mind. Sometimes I will attend Adoration when they are offering Reconcilliation. I will use this time to recount my sins, and speak to God about them before I enter the confessional. Then I complete my penance after confession- in the presence of God.

When I get ready to leave, I exit the pew dropping again to both knees and bowing for a moment. I get up, and exit- blessing myself again with holy water on my way out.
Just know he is there, and acknowledge him however you want.

Vocal prayer, meditation, reading, the rosary, just sitting there, looking are religious art–whatever you want.

I do different things each time. Reading Scripture is a great idea.

There’s no “form.” There are traditional prayers for adoration you could use, and you could say Thomas Aquinas eucharistic hymns. But you don’t have to do that.

It’s also a great time to make a spiritual communion, formal or informal. And there are a whole series of books, “Praying in the Presence of Our Lord” . . . I’m sure you could search them online.
Feel free to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament in whatever way the Spirit moves you. Signing up for a regular time is a great gift to the Church, and you will doubtless grow in holiness.
You’ll will receive blessings abundantly! Spending time with the Lord, reading, praying, meditating will bless you tremendously!

Just wait and see!

In addition to all of the above, you can also pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Rosary in His Presence. Or just sit there quietly with Him and keep Him company.
what i find amazing is even if you have a set guide for your hour, sometimes jesus simply says “shut up and listen to me” i have done structured hours when i simply could not go on, i had to stop and just stare and marvel that God himself was 20 feet away and he has humled himself to be food for us.

I love adoration. I wouldnt worry about “what do i do” much, alot of the time God will guide you.
TY everyone, that helps alot.

I’m still a little nervous, kinda sorta…I’ve been habituated to be very shy about practicing my faith. Come to think of it, I cant say I have a friend who is a practicing Catholic. I get very nervous when saying the rosary before mass as more and more people come in for example. I know I shouldnt but I do and I’m working on it (hence adoration).

The only other thing that kinda makes me nervous is that…umm:o …I’m signed up with 2 young women:o . There’s only one other male in the “program” I’m registered for. So, um, I’m kinda nervous about being…uh…distracted…(you can insert a little blushy face here in your mind)

But I’m excited. And, “coincidentally” I was watching something on EWTN (just channel surfing late at night) and I think they were talking about Mother Theresa (Blessed/Saint???) and someone who asked her what she said to God when she prayed. Mother Theresa replied “nothing, I just listen”. The person then asked what God said to her. Mother Theresa replied “nothing, he just listens”. That is actually something I can understand! Hopefully I can put it into practice today.🙂
I remember when I went for my first hour of adoration, wondering what in the world I was going to do for a* whole hour*.

It was only a matter of 3 or 4 weeks and the time seemed to go by so quickly!

Just rest in His presence and let Him guide your prayer time. I sometimes find it helpful when I first kneel down to just take some deep breaths, sort of breathe in His graces, relax, and just offer my hour for those closest to me and ask Jesus to guide me to pray for those who need it most.

I received some great advice from a friend to start my hour of prayer by inviting our Mother Mary to pray with me and guide me, ask my guardian angel to keep me from distraction, and ask St. Michael the archangel to keep all temptation and impure thoughts far away from me. It really seems to help me focus.

Sometimes when I’m choosing some reading material to guide me, I just ask the Holy Spirit to lead me to whatever it is I need to read at that time, and I’m always amazingly surprised that it’s often just exactly what I need to hear at that moment! God is so good!

– By the way, report back and let us know how it goes!
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