Soul and body dilema

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The question is: Can a baby or a child develop spiritual life without a functional body? A soul is blocked by a unfunctional body or brain, or a immature body, or even a dead body? Exist another way to develop the soul except through material body?
The Soul does not have to be developed to be a full human love by God, for it’s the soul who is born, not the body.
The body is just to carry the soul as long as we are here on matter - like a diving suit in the deep sea. We don’t need it when we leave matter.
If that body however is disabled, the brain blocked, then still this soul is alive and loved by God.
It’s not God who has this baby born disabled.
If it was God who brought disability, disease and sorrow, then Jesus Christ had not healed.

The body is just to carry the soul as long as we are here on matter - like a diving suit in the deep sea. We don’t need it when we leave matter.
That is not how the Church views the body. We humans are body and soul together. The body is not a container or vessel for the soul. We believe that heaven will be a physical place where we will exist body and soul.
Dear Adrian,
That’s a tough question to answer, given that we can’t see the soul.
However, the child, whether it has a fully functional body or not, is still created good by God, as are all of God’s creations (Genesis 1:31). As such, the child, body and soul, is still loved by God, which is the first and most important step in having a spiritual life.
While we may not know how far the child’s spiritual life can develop with an “unfunctional brain”, we can trust that God still holds a deep love for that child, and, as God favours the little souls, who are child-like in trust and innocence, we can believe that the child’s spiritual life, while most likely not formally developed, still holds a connection to God via its innocence.
As for your question about an unfunctional or dead body, an unfunctional body does not prevent a rich spiritual life. For example, St. Teresa of Avila was bed-ridden for a large portion of her life, yet she still grew a rich spiritual life, for prayer involves the interior, not simply the exterior.
As for a dead body, once dead, a soul leaves the body for judgement, either to Heaven/Purgatory for reward, or hell for punishment.
So, in short, an “unfunctional” body/mind does not necessarily prevent one from having a spiritual life.
Hope this helps.
God bless Mary keep!
It is. We believe those who die and go to heaven now are awaiting the time when their body and soul will be reunited. But when Christ returns, we believe this world will be restored to the state it was in before the fall and we will exist there in a physical manner.
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