- Soul is irreducible.
- Something which is irreducible is indesignable.
- The act of creation requires a design.
- From (2) and (3) we can deduce that soul cannot be created.
I have problem with the first premises. It is not evident to me that God exist as a being who is the creator. Moreover, my argument is about the fact that creation of soul is logically impossible so your argument fails unless that you could show that my argument is wrong.
- God is the Creator.
- Everything that is non-God is therefore created.
- The human soul is non-God.
- Therefore the human soul is created.
Thanks. They banned my account without providing any reason. Now it is the time to work on business.Welcome back B.!
Could you explain your premises two and three in more detail? I’m not sure exactly what they mean.
If by “designable” you mean some complex, higher whole that is composed by assembling smaller parts together, as the quoted response seems to indicate, then the only thing your argument would say for certain is that God does not create by assembling parts together. This seems to be an attempt to refute modern intelligent design theory.I hope this is enough. Just let me know if you need further explanation.
- Something which is irreducible is indesignable: Something which is irreducible doesn’t have any part so it cannot be designed.
- The act of creation requires a design: The act of creation requires a design because you expect that anything have some specific attributes and function according to its design.
My account was suspended for a month.I thought you were gone. Again, you can prove nothing. Peace.
Hello, Bahman. Allow me to say that I do not have very much experience in this (perhaps the closest thing is informally theology proper, but that is not necessarily related.)
- Soul is irreducible.
- Something which is irreducible is indesignable.
- The act of creation requires a design.
- From (2) and (3) we can deduce that soul cannot be created.
Any complex things in principal can be reduced to its irreducible parts. I however have problem with irreducible parts since they should have some attributes to allow that the whole (sum of parts) behaves in a specific way. The problem is that any irreducible part needs a design too in order have some attributes to perform a specific function yet it cannot be created since it is irreducible. That is true because something which is irreducible cannot be designed.If by “designable” you mean some complex, higher whole that is composed by assembling smaller parts together, as the quoted response seems to indicate, then the only thing your argument would say for certain is that God does not create by assembling parts together. This seems to be an attempt to refute modern intelligent design theory.
I was not thinking along this way.One may instead interpret a design along classical lines, where a design is an essence, form, or rational principle that limits existence in some way. The design/essence is not composed of parts, since essence by itself is not a complete being, but only the design by which a thing may exist. Hence creation is simply the actualization of a design, converting it from a design that has the potential to exist to one that actually does exist.
(3) is not mistaken. The act of creation obviously require a design, in simple word we expect that something with some specific functioning comes out of creation. This however is in contradiction by (2). So the argument stands.So premise 3 is mistaken because you are implicitly assuming that creation may only occur by assembling pre-existing materials together.
God is the creator and soul is spiritual part of human being. Am I clear enough? Let me know so we can expand the discussion more.Before we debate this topic, we should at least agree on Who created the universe, the definition of God, and what a soul is, Bahman. Otherwise, we’ll have to debate the logic behind our arguments
If you deny the first premise than your having a different discussion.I have problem with the first premises. It is not evident to me that God exist as a being who is the creator. Moreover, my argument is about the fact that creation of soul is logically impossible so your argument fails unless that you could show that my argument is wrong.
Thanks. They banned my account without providing any reason. Now it is the time to work on business.![]()
If soul has parts or has partitions then it can not be immortal because it could reduce to its part. Are you sure of what you are staying?Bahman - The soul is not “irreducible” in the way you describe. It at least consists of act and potency (so is therefore created, because it had to be put together by something prior), and it has numerous principles acting within it (vegetal, animal, rational) which have numerous operations or powers acting within them (nutritive, generative, and augmentative, in the vegetal part for instance). Furthermore, these components of the soul are not the essence of the soul itself - which is untrue of God and His attributes and Persons. There is another element of composition - essence and attributes. Additionally, the soul’s existence is not its own essence - so there is yet another way the soul is partitioned.
Therefore, this argument is bad. Bad, bad, bad. Immaterial things are not necessarily without parts - they are just without physical parts.
Perhaps you should try starting fewer threads which “prove” something with trite syllogisms and instead engage people in a different way. From what I can tell this kind of thread frustrates people.
Having parts means that it can be annihilated. The possibility of annihilation is distinct from necessarily being destroyed upon death.If soul has parts or has partitions then it can not be immortal because it could reduce to its part. Are you sure of what you are staying?
A good suggestion. Here’s a link to part of the Summa Contra Gentiles: catholicprimer.org/aquinas/scg1.pdfHaving parts means that it can be annihilated. The possibility of annihilation is distinct from necessarily being destroyed upon death.
The rational soul can subsist without the body, albeit imperfectly, since the intellect is not dependent upon the body for existence (whereas non-rational souls are immediately products of the body).
This should clear the difficulty for you. I seriously suggest reading the Summa Contra Gentiles or some such work rather than rapidly throwing out all these puzzles which only confuse the issues which you intend to gain clarity on. In the time it takes you to start 3 threads, you could have read 3 pages and actually learned something.
The soul is not material. It appears that you assume it is material.
- Soul is irreducible.
- Something which is irreducible is indesignable.
- The act of creation requires a design.
- From (2) and (3) we can deduce that soul cannot be created.
The only way in which any of the above makes any sense is if you define “design” as some kind of spec whereby smaller parts are combined to produce a new substance. Revising your original argument with this definition produces the following:Any complex things in principal can be reduced to its irreducible parts. I however have problem with irreducible parts since they should have some attributes to allow that the whole (sum of parts) behaves in a specific way. The problem is that any irreducible part needs a design too in order have some attributes to perform a specific function yet it cannot be created since it is irreducible. That is true because something which is irreducible cannot be designed.
In simple word any attribute in an irreducible thing requires a design which is contrary to concept of irreducibility. So we are ending up with a paradoxical situation because any attribute is the result of a design yet irreducible thing cannot be designed.
This.Are you trying to take down the road to pantheism again? It’s the only thing that would make any sense about your argument as you’ve presented it.