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My friend posted this (another site). Im curious what exactly our role as Christians is in business of “soulwinning.” Anyone?
I´ve been learning a great deal about soulwinning these last couple of months…I am deeply saddened that I had not learned the importance of such a noble duty or had the desire to see more souls rescued from death and delivered from the chains of sin. Proverbs 11:30 tells us that “…He that winneth souls is wise.” If you don´t have desire to win souls that you may be wise, maybe this will motivate you.
“Soulwinning is the chief business of the Christian; indeed, it should be the main pursuit of every true believer. We should each say, with Simon Peter, “I go fishing” (John 21:3), and our aim should be, along with Paul, “That I might by all means save some”(I Corinthians 9:22).”
“…weigh the claims of Jesus and immortal souls as well as other claims (in life). Should I addict myself to study? Should I surrender myself to business? Should I travel? Should I spend my time in pleasure? Should I become the prinicipal fox hunter of the county? Should I spend my time promoting political and social reforms? Think them all over. But if you are Christian, My dear friend, nothing will equal in enjoymnet, usefulness, honor, and lasting recompense the giving of youself to the winning of souls….
What a happy thing it is that you may win sould for Jusus, and may do this even though you continue in your secular callings. Some of you would never win sould in pulpits. It would be a great pity if you tried. But you can win souls in the workshop, in the laundry, in the nusery, and in the drawing room.”
  • Charles Spurgeon, The Soulwinner
“How can I win souls?” is the next question I asked. I didn´t know where to start…Well, Luke recorded Jesus as saying to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men”(Luke 5:11). And Matthew records Jesus as saying to Simon, Andrew, and two other brothers, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). But these two references are both followed by an action that the men did…they forsook everything and followed Him!
Matthew tells us that if we come to him and ask for such a desire such as this (to be used by Him to win souls), we can be confident He will not give us a stone instead of the bread asked for. So, I ask, plead, seek…Lord I know this is not a cookbook recipe, and I admit I am blind to this knowledge, but just as you opened my eyes to the truth of you salvation, open my eyes and heart to know you ways with respect to this art of Soulwinning.
Now I´m trying to soak myself in the gospel. To learn from the master Soulwinner, Jesus, who himself lived here on earth to give us an example…and when he left, he prayed that we are sent into the world in the same way that he was sent by God (see John 17:18). How was it that God sent Him?
My experienced soulwinners in the crowd, please to share some verses that have proven expecially useful as you have practiced this art. I´d love to learn from each of you who may have had more dealings with the world than I with respect to the state of their souls. "
🙂 Breathespirit
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