Sound Healing question

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I used to like attending sound healing events when I was naive and into all things new age. However since returning to the faith I’ve let go of alot of things like Yoga and Mindfullness (although a priest of Almost 80 and being ordained for 60 told be Yoga and Mindfullness where not actually against our beliefs) Tai Chi e.t.c, an I tend to stay clear of these purely because I have no need (I pray and attend mass and look to Jesus for peace and I have the Rosary for meditation). And since returning to the church I have never suffered from anxiety or depression anymore.

However I’d like to know sound healing (using various Instruments tones and sonic frequency’s) actually sinful or in any way against Catholic beliefs?

In my past experience it did seem to have a Therapeutic positive effect for relaxation and one often felt, at the end of a session, as if one had just awaken from a good 8 hour sleep … Something as an Insomniac I rarely get to experience.

Any ideas?
  • I wish for this to not veer off into the yoga/mindfulness question, as I be read many threads and there is no definitive answer. This question is related to Sound Healing only. Thanks
Not having heard of this before, I had to google it. There was one site that came up in the results, and I’m not sure if this is what you mean by Sound Healing. Basically, according to this particular site it is the use of tuning forks, gongs, singing bowls, drums an other instruments for sound baths, therapy, etc.

On another site I read - “our bodies have 'energy frequencies” and that sonic frequencies can reattune these energies."

Reminds me of reiki, tbh. Is it based on eastern medicene - maybe from Buddhism?

Though you might find reading JESUS CHRIST THE BEARER OF THE WATER OF LIFE A Christian reflection on the “New Age” of interest.

Insomnia is hard, and there are several posters on CAF who also suffer from this, but this “Sound Healing”, to me at any rate, does not seem the way to go for a Catholic in seeking relief for this health problem.

Other posters here may have more knowledge than I on this type of therapy.
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