Sources for learning Old Church Slavonic

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Hey so does anyone have any good online resources for learning Old Church Slavonic?
I do not, but I know that there are people here who could probably direct you to the right place
You can start by googling the phrase “learning old church slavonic”. Lots of hits.

Thanks for the sources!

I have a recent interest in this language after reading Laurus.

I completed the Duolingo Latin course, and am currently completing Italian and Romanian. Romanian is quite interesting, Latin-based with some Slavic (including some Old Church Slavonic, from what I understand) loanwords.
For what purpose? You can’t tell me not to reply on Forums I am a member of. I REPLIED so other people can see it.
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Hey so does anyone have any good online resources for learning Old Church Slavonic?
By far most people who learn OCS start by already knowing or learning a living Slavic language.

Slavic languages are very different from Germanic or Romance languages. The grammar is much more complicated, and there isn’t much shared vocabulary to help you along.

The quickest way for you to learn OCS would be to learn another Slavic language like Polish, Czech, Slovak, Russian, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian or Bulgarian. It doesn’t matter which one.

First of all, there are MANY more resources available for earning these languages compared to OCS. Second of all, you’ll be much more motivated, because except for reading liturgical texts, there isn’t much else you can do with OCS, so learning OCS on its own would entail a real lot of work for a real low payoff.
When someone reply to OP’s thread it is more visible to other people, especially when thread stays without replies for some time and person who replied, like Adam do this, is probably give you more opportunities to get answers.

I don’t know if you noticed that threads with latest replies are coming to top of the CAF’s topics wall and those without or rare reply probably will be closed before you get answers you are looking for.
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