Spanish cardinal explains support for pro-family rally

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Madrid, Jun. 20 ( - Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards rallied in the streets of Madrid on June 18, demonstrating their opposition to the government’s plans to give same-sex unions the legal status of marriage. And Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela said that Church leaders felt compelled to join in the event, “to suppot the family organizations that called it.”

The Family Forum, which organized the mass demonstration, claimed that 1.5 million people participated. The city of Madrid-- which had actively discouraged the protest-- claimed that there were only 200,000 in attendance. Neutral observers put the crowd size as somewhere around 1 million.

Cardinal Rouco Varela, explaining why the Spanish bishops had taken the unusual step of throwing their support behind a political event, told the Italian dailiy Corriere della Sera that the need to protect the legal status of the family was an issue of “notable gravity.” We explained: “The family will be completely without protection” if the government carries through with its existing plans. He added that the organizers of the rally had appealed for help, and “many of them are Catholics, and deserve our support.”

The Madrid prelate said that the Spanish bishops did not wish to become the main actors. . . .

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Madrid, Jun. 20 ( - Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards rallied in the streets of Madrid on June 18, demonstrating their opposition to the government’s plans to give same-sex unions the legal status of marriage. And Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela said that Church leaders felt compelled to join in the event, “to suppot the family organizations that called it.”

The Family Forum, which organized the mass demonstration, claimed that 1.5 million people participated. The city of Madrid-- which had actively discouraged the protest-- claimed that there were only 200,000 in attendance. Neutral observers put the crowd size as somewhere around 1 million.

Cardinal Rouco Varela, explaining why the Spanish bishops had taken the unusual step of throwing their support behind a political event, told the Italian dailiy Corriere della Sera that the need to protect the legal status of the family was an issue of “notable gravity.” We explained: “The family will be completely without protection” if the government carries through with its existing plans. He added that the organizers of the rally had appealed for help, and “many of them are Catholics, and deserve our support.”

The Madrid prelate said that the Spanish bishops did not wish to become the main actors. . . .

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I’ve heard of having an ideology, but to cause a misrepresentation of the facts as gross as that of the City of Madrid’s is too much even for Politics as Usual. They should have know that there would be neutral observers who would demonstrate that they were lying and would, hence, destroy their credibility.

The city of Madrid must be relying of being the only news Source, because everyone else will show the photos and combine them into a montange.

Meanwhile, the officials of Madrid will continue to lose the people’s trust, as well they should.

Speaking of the Cardinals and the laity. Once again, we have a situation where the LAITY are leading, and the members of the hierarchy are hurrying to catch up.

I don’t believe that’s ordinary such a good thing.

Blessed are they who act to spare the lives of god’s Little Ones. Michael
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